Bath Salts - questions

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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
London, UK
ok I am going to make some bath salts tomorrow. But I am confused. I want to make pretty coloured salts that smell nice. But I don't quite understand how. I have read the instructions and they are always quite easy. Take Sea Slat and Epsom salt, mix, add FO/EO and colir, mix and package. Hmmm. I am thinking clumps. How do I get the colour and fragrance to mix through? Is it as easy as it sounds?

I can't get hold of Natrasorb or Dentritic Salt here. Do I really need it? I mean I can get Dentritic Salt, but only in a 25kg bag. That seems a bit much, although I guess I could use it in the dishwasher...
it really is easy, I don't always use dentritic Salt, and the scent will fade a bit over time less so if it's in a sealed container.

You do have to mix a lot some times depending on the colorant you use but it's kinda fun.
After I color and scent bath salts, I spread them out on wax paper or a paper towel until they're dry. This helps eliminate clumping.
Hazel said:
After I color and scent bath salts, I spread them out on wax paper or a paper towel until they're dry. This helps eliminate clumping.

Great idea Hazel! Thanks for sharing.
Hazel said:
You're welcome. :D But don't most people dry them? I read this tip in an article years ago so I can't take credit for it.

I don't know. I've watched a couple of youtube videos and they haven't mentioned drying them. Still, we know about the hit or miss nature of youtube.
I dry mine for 3-4 days. If you package them wet they will mold as well as clump together. I go ahead & put the salts in jars but leave the lids off & everytime I walk past the table I shaake them a few times.
Thanks for the info Tab and Hazel. This is very timely as I just got some supplies to make bath salts. I'll be sure to dry them.
Hazel said:
After I color and scent bath salts, I spread them out on wax paper or a paper towel until they're dry. This helps eliminate clumping.

Do you cover them to keep the scent from fading?
No, I put them in organza bags. I don't make much at a time. I just make enough before Christmas to give out as gifts. I make up packages of bath salts, fizzies, soaps, scrubs and lotions/creams. Of course, this will be the first year that I have my own CP soap to give instead of MP. :D

However, I think you would want to cover them if you're going to have a lot stored for an extended period of time.
One year at a craft show I hung little organza bags from a Christmas tree. Some contained bath bombs, others bath salts. The smell was divine.
Tabitha said:
One year at a craft show I hung little organza bags from a Christmas tree. Some contained bath bombs, others bath salts. The smell was divine.

What an awesome idea, even to have at home and you can offer your guests a little something to take home! LOVE IT! :D

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