You don't need slsa to make bath bombs although it is a fun additive. All you need is baking soda and citric acid. Just use 2 parts baking soda mixed with 1 part citric acid and spritz with witch hazel or rubbing alcohol. A basic bomb!
You can also use a little bit of oil to help hold them together.
That being said, I use kaolin clay in some recipes to help make them harder. (The one time I used French green clay, it turned gray in the bombs. I was actually happy with the color since I was doing Halloween bombs.) When I don't use clay, I add salts like dendritic, sea or Epsom. I experimented with Dead Sea Salts one time. I used some oil to make it extra luxurious. Mistake! The DDS caused the color and FO to morph and the oil seeped out of the bombs by the next day. I made a note to myself to never do that again. :roll: I kept one of the bombs just to see what would happen to it over time. It developed a pitted surface. I think if I ever use DDS again I wouldn't color it or use oil. Also, I've never had any luck with adding cornstarch. The bombs kept falling apart.
Please don't be offended because I mean this in the nicest way but I do want to mention that it's impolite to ask for recipes. Many members put a lot of time, effort and money into developing recipes. You'll get more assistance if you say what you want to create and ask where you can find information. A lot of the members are very generous and love to help people. You also might be pleasantly surprised because someone might post a recipe.
Now my recipes aren't anything special so I'll post percentages and you can have a starting point. The percentages I use are close to what I've listed below. You also don't have to use as much clay as I added to the recipe. I tend to use more right now because I got a great deal on a large bag of white kaolin clay. :wink: Also, pink clay is pretty in bombs.
50% baking soda
25% citric acid
25% salts (dendritic, sea or Epsom)
60% baking soda
30% citric acid
10% clay
However, this is just what I use for bombs. I know other people have slightly different recipes. Someone mentioned she never uses any oil or spritzes to hold her bombs together.
There have been quite a few discussions about bath bombs. You'll find lots of info if you look through the Bath & Body Forum. You might want to look through the Photo Gallery, too. I've seen some lovely looking bath bombs posted there. The pictures might give you some ideas about coloring and adding botanicals. Plus recently someome posted some great photos of cupcake bombs but I'm not sure if that was in the Photo Gallery. It might have been in the B & B section. But I know I just saw it within the last week or so.
I've never made bubble bars so I don't know if there is a substitute for slsa. You could check out agriffin's blog. She's made bubble bars.