banned members...?

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I do not wish to rock the boat but I do want to ask... What is it with members being banned left right and center? I find it a little disturbing... people who have been supportive encouraging and added helpful advice and feedback suddenly disappear... as if being hit by the mob!

Again, I value this forum... but I hate censorship... What worried me is how all the posts mentioning bannings have been locked... sinister... Animal Farm like... if someone disagrees with someone else let it be so... better yet if it is public then all can see what's happening and make up their own minds... I live too close to China for this to sit well with me... I would like to ask if there is any way in which members who might be warned for any offense can be added onto a thread... have a public trial per se... where members can come to others defense if need be and people are generally more aware of what actually transpires... that way people will not just one day disappear as in an old soviet state.

people make this forum... let us be involved too in what goes down...
if anyone was involved in anything not allowed then at least people would know what why and where...
did I stick my neck out?

Not for the chopping board too I hope...! I see everybody reading but no replies .... disconcerting!
I've noticed three people banned over the last month or so, only a couple of others between when I joined and now, so it hardly seems like people are being banned willy-nilly to me.

As for the public trial idea, I'm not an admin or mod on this board but I am on another forum, a very active one with just under 7k members, and what you've suggested just isn't practical imo. People agree to abide by the rules of a forum when they register and make their first posts, if they don't obey those rules then disciplinary action is taken, it's pretty straightforward and works the same on every forum I'm on. Diffirent forums have different policies as far as public "outing" of violators, this one seems to handle things more quietly and with less drama than others. Some of the ones I'm on would have named the offenders and posted exactly what they did to merit their bans, but many (including me) believe that's unnecessary and detracts from the forum's image.

Me, I'm here to learn about soap. I think most people here are, but a few have other "side hobbies" on the forum that lead to strife and drama. I personally want no part of that and am thankful that the spats and such are kept out of the public eye here and not turned into some sort of soap opera.

*shrug* That's just my two cents.

thank you for your reply... as a longer member of this forum you had and have more perspective... therefore i value your input... what got me was the fact that I couldn't work out what happened... i saw what the people banned posted and it all seemed above board and even helpful... I must have obviously not read all the postings because I still have no idea what went down...
I am also only interested in soap... making... and if there is anything I can add to help someone else I would like to do so...
This forum has offered a wonderful way of meeting other like minded people I never really had before... and I would like to continue to exchange Ideas with other helpful people without disappearances... I do understand that the forum has rules and I understand that people should abide by those... clarity was what I asked for... I had no drama in mind... merely open discussion

and your two cents are worth so much... always welcome ;)
No no no, I didn't mran that you were stirring up drama, and I'm sorry if it sounded that way. I was more talking about forum dramas in general, and it wasn't directed at you. :)
I will agree that the last couple of members exiled were a shock, but in the past, the members who were "voted off the island" had been out of order. So I have to believe that much more must have happened in order for them to have been banned, though part of me believes that much of it might have been misunderstandings.
Many times when someone is reading vs. listening, things can come across in a completely different tone than they were intended, thus causing problems.

Maybe we could add an unmoderated section, specifically for venting.... We could call it "ranting and raving" or "this is BULL$#%!" :p

It could be... like... the "Thunderdome" of the SMF.

Forum members go in... but they NEVER come OUT! :twisted:

edited to clarify
can't we all just get along??!! LOL-- that is my 2 cents-- i just love life and people and have NO time for drama-- I have enough with my 5 kids... baaaaaaahhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa
i've been out of the loop for a min but I think that the mods do a pretty good job. I remember back when the waterwitch was attacking us... eeee... the she came back with a new name!! but honestly I can't put to much in because like I said I haven't been around for a minute to make may observations :wink:
what kind of things do you have to say to get kicked off? just wondered. I love this forum i have learned SO much, thanks all.
Re: thanx

rvan said:
thank you for your reply... as a longer member of this forum you had and have more perspective... therefore i value your input... what got me was the fact that I couldn't work out what happened... i saw what the people banned posted and it all seemed above board and even helpful... I must have obviously not read all the postings because I still have no idea what went down...
I am also only interested in soap... making... and if there is anything I can add to help someone else I would like to do so...
This forum has offered a wonderful way of meeting other like minded people I never really had before... and I would like to continue to exchange Ideas with other helpful people without disappearances... I do understand that the forum has rules and I understand that people should abide by those... clarity was what I asked for... I had no drama in mind... merely open discussion

and your two cents are worth so much... always welcome ;)

Once again, as reiterated in the last 10 threads which have been locked, If there was an issue which pertained to you on the forum, that would have been handled. Alot of things happen behind the scenes on large forums like this, which are shielded from the public eye for a reason.

Please do not question the actions of the Administrators of the forum, we do not just ban people for the fun of it, but have due cause.

Please read This

Your suggestion, though appreciated is impractical. It would be a nightmare in my opinion, and create way more drama than it would save.

There is no reason to bring other people into issues which do not concern them.

The reason these threads keep getting locked (and continue to get locked) is because they are redundant...If you read the first one, youve read them all...they all state the same thing, ask the same questions...AND THUS WILL GET THE SAME ANSWERS!

Honor, sorry I did not see your question before I posted, The rules for the forum can be foundHere

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