High Quality Extra Virgin Avocado Oil is rich and buttery. If you don't like the taste of butter I could understand, but to eat / use a chemical laden refined liquid in any application, other than motor oil, is not recommended.
I use soap made with Extra Virgin Avocado Oil too! Ultra rich and moisturizing. I then coat my entire body head to toe after showering with Avohaus Extra Virgin Avocado Oil...forms a microbial layer, locking in moisture, penetrates to the 3rd layer of skin, providing 8-15 SPF due to intense moisturizing of skin! Extra Virgin Avocado Oil is loaded with 27 Vitamins and Minerals, Vitamin E being the most abundant! Sterols, Omegas, all the stuff your skin craves is in the EVAO. Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Fungal and Anti-Viral, use it for eczema, psoriasis, any skin ailment heals much faster. Amazing in the bath and in the kitchen!! Highest Smoke Point of any oil - Avohaus Extra Virgin Avocado Oil from New Zealand, a non-GMO country!!
Skin is your largest organ. Whatever you put on your skin, your body instantly absorbs. If you use chemical laden refined avocado oil to make soap, your body will absorb those chemicals. That's why I use soap made with EVAO whenever possible - richest, most moisturizing soap I have found.