I have been soaping 3 years and I still get surprised sometimes. Just two days ago I blended a couple of FOs and a bit of an EO together. All of them behaved beautifully apart. I put the scent in the oils, added the lye, and hit the SB about 3 seconds, and got soap on a stick. Seriously! The last 3 batches I have made have done that to me. I just write it down in the "Scent blend" file as a problem, and don't make it again. I now have enough soap for a huge rebatch. I hate making rebatched soap, but I can donate the soap once it is done and cured.
Life is like that sometimes. You just have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, decide that you have learned the lesson, and don't repeat the mistakes. Then move on to the next thing. I am not going to stop making soap, but I may use straight FOs that are unblended with other things for a while. I just have so many small bits of this and that left over, I need to use them up before ordering more.