Now that I'm settling in a bit (even was able to wash my own hair in the guest bathroom sink, while standing on one good leg!), I'm reading all the messages in the thread and looking at what some of you are calling failures. Failures there not! I'm seeing some gorgeous soaps with fabulous color combinations and beautiful patterns.
And if you think anything is a failure, there's no such things if you've learned from what your just did!Instead, it was and is a learning experience.
I just put attempt #4 (or is it 5???) in the oven. I know it's a flop. Same fo I used in an earlier attempt and this time it A'd like crazy. So IF I do an entry, it will have to be the earlier one I didn't post pics of. This week is going to be too crazy to do any soaping at all.
Hope it goes well for you. I'm not doing well with this at all.
I really want to try CPOP and was wondering if you use
The white silicone 1 pound mold? That is what I have and I wasn't sure it would make it through the heat.
Just be aware that you can get little bubbles along the sides and bottom of the soap when you CPOP in silicone. YOu can trim them off and it's just cosmetic. If you want to try to avoid that, you can fill pan with water, such that when the mold is in it, the water come up to below the brim. Put the pan with water in the oven at 190 degrees for 45 min to an hour so the water warms. When you are ready with your soap, put it in the warm water and let it gel in there. The water holds the temp more constant and the silicone doesn't get as hot to you don't get the bubbles. You have to watch it and take the soap out after it gels, but I haven't had the issue of the bubbles since doing it that way.
I find CPOP tricky, with how long you have to have the heat on, especially if you've soaped cool. I kept having problems so now I use either a heating pad or the water bath.