Anyone Tried CPOP with Plastic Mold?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2011
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Washington & Las Vegas
I like those heavy plastic loaf molds for my regular CP soap. I e-mailed the retailer who said they are good in the oven at 170 degrees. Have any of you actually tried one in the oven? I'm not sure I'm brave enough to risk a batch of soap and my mold on such an experiment.
You mean the ones made from the white HDPE that fully collapse? I have them and have put them in the oven without issue. I always use a slip liner in mine, especially knowing that any mold made of a material that isn't wood can have a tendency towards producing bubbly CPOP soap. I have a log in right now actually so now I'm a little suspicious I might have jinxed myself by saying it's fine!
The recommendation I received from my HDPE mold manufacturer was to always use them at 180 degrees Fahrenheit or lower for any sustained use (CPOP).

Working Temperatures
The melting temperature for HDPE is 266 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the point where it changes from solid form to liquid. The maximum safe working temperature is 248 degrees Fahrenheit. Above this point, it starts to soften. The minimum safe working temperature is 148 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. At less than 180 degrees below zero, it becomes brittle.

I've heard that the HDPE molds can warp if they get too hot. I have never used them personally, though, and I think it depends on the quality of the raw material.
You mean the ones made from the white HDPE that fully collapse? I have them and have put them in the oven without issue. I always use a slip liner in mine, especially knowing that any mold made of a material that isn't wood can have a tendency towards producing bubbly CPOP soap. I have a log in right now actually so now I'm a little suspicious I might have jinxed myself by saying it's fine!

Do you have a link to the collapsing mold?