any recipes for people with skin problems? IE exzema?

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Customers with psoriasis and eczema swear by my goat milk soap with oatmeal and honey. One customer's dermatologist told her to find goat milk soap with oatmeal and honey for her psoriasis. It often clears the eczema completely and really helps with the itching associated with psoriasis.

Great info. Do you use any eo?
Please keep in mind there is nothing truly hypoallergenic. I have lived with eczema of all degrees from severe to mild since I was two and that is a very long time ago. Salt is my biggest friend. I shower with salt bars and a salt scrub I make from cream soap. My Lavender Jojoba salt scrub has kept me off predisone for a year now. I stops the itching. Neem is just one that has to be tested, it works fantastic for some and not at all for others. I make and sell a lot of neem soap, but like everything it does not work for all. I always tell customers that have allergies to always skin test before using on the entire body. Eczema flare-ups can be life threatening. Please keep in mind herbs and plant matter can be high allergens. I was given a beautiful loaf of Rustic Sourdough bread last weekend at my market from a vendor and my hubby noticed it had flax seed in it. Not sure why I did not think of the fact a multigrain bread might contain flax. He saved me a trip to the hospital.

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