Absolutely you should make whatever soap you want to make. However, I'd experiment with using only 2 specialty oils per soap at most. That will help you figure out which of the expensive oils you like, and which ones you don't. Otherwise, if you mix them all together, how will you know which one is creating the soap properties that work for you (or don't work for you, as the case may be)?
So it's not about not liking your recipe so much, as suggesting that you do some experiments first to see which oils you are really going to like in soap, and which ones you want to save for leave-on products like balms, massage oils, etc. Make sense?
When you fix the water and lye numbers, my preference would be that you use the lye percentage setting, rather than water as % of oils. That will give you more consistent results over time. Try 30% lye concentration to start.
Turmeric EO can be sensitizing to skin, but if you know your EOs (sounds like you do), then you know the proper dilution rate already.
Definitely report back with results - we all love learning and you may have new information for us by the time this is done!