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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2011
Reaction score
Queensland Australia
I've been 'Fragrance Shopping', and it seems that alot of the FO's I want discolour the batter.

When the description states that the FO will discolour to a dark brown, and you actually want a dark brown, is there any need to add a brown colourant?

Thanks :)
If it produces the color you want I don't see any need to add anything additional for color. I would try a small batch first to see if it is a color I like.

Br Nicholas
FO's with vanilla in them do discolor the soap. The question is, how much? Some only produce a tan color, where others are very dark brown.

It can take days to weeks to fully change the color, so I'd say to do a 1lb test to see what the color will look like after 30 days. Then you'll know if you need to add brown colorant. Chances are, though, you will not need to add any color.

My vanilla pumpkin pie scent changed the orange pumpkin color to a chocolate brown color :(
If you tell us which fragrance oil it is and where it is from, someone may have used it and be able to give you some idea of what color it will turn.
If the description states that it will discolor to a dark brown, I think it's safe to assume it will turn a dark brown. I wouldn't bother adding colorant to it to make it any darker, but that's jmho.