aloe vera question

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It is very nice in cp soap. You replace part of your lye water with the aloe vera .

namastecreations said:
how much aloe vera could you use in place of the water?

Only as much as will still allow you to properly and safely dissolve your lye in the remaining water.

My normal batch calls for
270 g lye
760 ml water

I have subbed no more than 300 ml of Aloe Ferox juice. If you are using the actual Aloe Vera gel I am not sure what amount you can sub.
artisan soaps said:
I've used 100% AV juice and think it's a waste in soap .. It gives nothing to the bar except label appeal ;)

I must admit that I do not get too "fancy" anymore. I do get bored sometimes making the good old reliable recipe with just a small range of EO's and colours, but also found that a lot of the more pricey oils and butters really did not add enough to justify the expense. Same goes for a lot of the additives.
I used to sub AV juice for half the dilution water in my liquid soaps. This is soap I use every day, and honestly, I don't think it added a thing to the soap. So, I stopped using it.

These days, costs being what they are, I save most of the expensive additives, butters & oils for creams & lotions, where they actually seem to do some good.