all thumbs! first swirl

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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2009
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i've never felt so clumsy in my entire life! i had my mold prepared, set aside some uncolored soap that was lightly traced, or so i hoped. quickly stirred in my spirulina powder. mixed well. i had my thin spatula next to my mold. when i poured.....the uncolored soap didn't pour in a nice thin stream but kind of blobbed into the mold w/ the colored soap....i made a 1/2 recipe to experiment......but i wish i had more area to practice my swirl did swirl somewhat....but another problem is that my uncolored oil wasn't white, but tan, so there wasn't alot of contrast between it and the colored green spirulina soap. pix to follow, if i can bear to look at it ..... oh well it was a learning experience...and i have LOTS to learn :(
Good for you !!! :D :D . The first of many I am sure.
It is all a big learning curve , it will change as it cures too.I am just doing a rebatch of a swirl ,that I thought I had overswirled. Not!! all the color was sitting on the bottom lol. I took pictures too . Maybe I should stick with in the pot swirls :D.

Congrats on trying a swirl! Tone on tone swirls look great! I've done a couple on purpose and really like them. We really, really want to see pics - and I'll just bet they look fabulous....