Additive Usage Rate List (PPO)

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Dec 2, 2016
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Hi all!

I'm trying to compile a simple cheat sheet of additive usage rates for cold-process soapmaking - something I can look at quickly while deciding on which additives to use for my next batch and how much to use (with an approximate PPO value).

Let me know if anything looks incorrect or if you'd like to add to the list!

More Bubbles:
Sugar = 1-2 TBSP PPO
Honey = 1 TSP to 1 TBSP PPO
Sodium citrate = 1-3% PPO (also decreases soap scum in harder water)

Harder Bar:
Salt (dissolved) = 1 TSP PPO
Sodium lactate = 1 TSP PPO

Creamy Lather:
Goat Milk Powder = 1 TBSP PPO
Coconut Milk Powder = 1 TBSP PPO
Plain Yogurt = 1oz PPO
Egg Yolk = 1 tempered yolk PPO

Skin Nourishing:
Colloidal Oatmeal = 1 TBSP PPO
Activated Charcoal = 1 TSP to 1 TBSP PPO
Bentonite Clay = 1 TSP PPO

Titanium Dioxide = 1/8 to 1 TSP PPO
Mica = 1/8 to 1 TSP PPO (highly dependent on supplier/colour)
Cocoa Powder = 1 TSP to 1 TBSP PPO

Water Replacements 1:1
Coconut Milk (adjust superfat as needed)
Fresh Goat Milk (adjust superfat as needed)
Buttermilk (adjust superfat as needed)
Aloe Vera Juice
Brewed Coffee
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Just want to point out that I usually see recommendations of 1tsp ppo for micas.

This list is great and a nice easy way to keep it all in one place. There are other additives used regularly by others, but I don't know the usage rates. Maybe you'll get ideas for new additives to try.
Just want to point out that I usually see recommendations of 1tsp ppo for micas.

This list is great and a nice easy way to keep it all in one place. There are other additives used regularly by others, but I don't know the usage rates. Maybe you'll get ideas for new additives to try.

Thank you! I had trouble finding a usage rate for mica, I assume it's very dependent on the mica in question. But it's good to know 1 tsp is an option! I'll add that in.

I mostly stuck to additives that I already have, so if people have some other good ones to contribute, maybe I'll have to add them to my wishlist. ;)
I've been playing around with indigo and have had only one successful attempt in getting the color to stay. The soap was a bit of a fail and had to be rebatched though.
The list is a great idea.

Not sure if this is common practice but:

I use 1 tbsp ppo for honey.

I use powdered milk to make full cream milk according to the packet and according to the amount of water required in the mix. So if the mix needs 200g of water total then I add enough powdered milk to make 200g of milk.

If I use coconut milk I use 50/50 lye mix then add all the remaining liquid as coconut milk. You can mix colours and salt into this if they don't mix with oil.

AC and TD amounts will vary depending if you hand blend or SB them in.
I do the same as Penelopejane in regards to using 1 tbsp. honey ppo, and I also do pretty much the same with the milks.

With sugar, I actually like to add 2 tbsp. ppo (I'm a bubbleholic :mrgreen:).

IrishLass :)
You can also use the following:

Skin nourishing (AKA label appeal until I get to test the bars) Aloe Vera Juice-sub for water


Cocoa Powder-1 tsp - 1 Tbsp PPO. Can also be used for "mica" line.

Coffee- sub for water
I'm just wondering what the upper limit is for Tablespoons per pound on sugar...I'm currently doing the 2TBL/ppo like Irish Lass but I did do a test soap with 4TBL/ppo....that one is still curing...
I have tried the 2 TBL/PPO rate, and do not find that it improves my bubbles more than the 1 TBL/PPO with 5% KOH/95% NaOH does. Am I doing something wrong?
I have tried the 2 TBL/PPO rate, and do not find that it improves my bubbles more than the 1 TBL/PPO with 5% KOH/95% NaOH does. Am I doing something wrong?

I've noticed that it can very recipe dependent. In my 2 main recipes (one is an all-veggie formula, and the other is lard/tallow/veggie formula), there is a definite difference between 1 tbsp. ppo and 2 tbsp. ppo., but I notice it more in my all-veggie formula.

I once made a batch of my all-veggie formula with 4 tbsp. sugar ppo, and wow- the bubbles were out of this world! I swear, if I didn't know any better, I would have thought I was using one of my 100% CO soaps with a 20% S/F. Unfortunately, the soap came out quite soft and spongy to the touch, and stayed that way for well over a year (I could still leave an indention in it when pressed).

IrishLass :)
I have been using 6-7 TSBP sugar for the last few batches with no issues. My batches are just under or at the 3 Lb mark. I plan to go with 8 TBSP with my next batch. I CPOP and have never had an issue with overheating (yet). And I'm one to force gelling so after the the batch has been in the oven for about an hour or so I turn the oven back on for a minute (exactly a minute) and keep the temp up to ensure it gels. I do that three or four times through the night before leaving it be and taking it out the next day. Again, never an issue (yet). Oh, and I use 100% aloe vera juice.
I have been using 6-7 TSBP sugar for the last few batches with no issues. My batches are just under or at the 3 Lb mark. I plan to go with 8 TBSP with my next batch. I CPOP and have never had an issue with overheating (yet). And I'm one to force gelling so after the the batch has been in the oven for about an hour or so I turn the oven back on for a minute (exactly a minute) and keep the temp up to ensure it gels. I do that three or four times through the night before leaving it be and taking it out the next day. Again, never an issue (yet). Oh, and I use 100% aloe vera juice.

Very interesting! How does the heat and amount of sugar affect the colour of your bars? I wonder if there is a caramelization effect happening there.
I'm a plane Jane soaper and haven't really messed with colors other than what the clays I've started to use (kaolin and bentonite) add to the batch. I haven't noticed any ill effects of using as much sugar as I do. I make sure to keep a very close eye on the batch while it's in the oven and I always place the mold and basket (from Essential Depot) in a container I put together just in case there is a volcano.

Very interesting! How does the heat and amount of sugar affect the colour of your bars? I wonder if there is a caramelization effect happening there.
How does one go about adding sugar or salt to soap? Do you dissolve in the water? Could you not dissolve them and use them as exfoliants ( if they don't dissolve during the cook). If sugar makes more bubbles what does salt do? Thanks in advance!

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