Adding FO's for the first time

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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
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I am going to try adding scent to a 1lb batch of the regular recipe that I use. I am planning to add Crafter's Choice Vanilla Cream. But I am a little confused as to how much to add. Under Directions and Guidelines it reads:

To Determine The Amount of Fragrance Oil Used In A Product:

The amount of fragrance that should be used in a formulation depends on three factors:

1) The maximum amount of scent the product base will accept .
2) The maximum IFRA skin safe level.
3) The amount of fragrance that smells good in your product.

You will look at these three maximum guidelines and use the LOWEST percentage.

For example: Desired smell is 5%, making MP soap is 3%, and the IFRA max use is 15%. You should not use more than 3% in your product. This 3% is the lowest of all of those numbers.

Maximum Product Base Guidelines:

MP Soap: 3%
CP, HP, CPOP Soap: 6%
Lotions and Scrubs: 1 – 2%
Bath Salts, Fizziest & Tub Soaks: 5-10%
Candle Wax: 6-12% (see specific wax for exact levels)

According to the info on the product:

IFRA Max---10% (Soap)

And since I have never used it, I don't know how much smells good in my product :)

So, I am thinking I would use 6% since that is the max for cp soap? I am assuming that is 6% per lb of oils?

Would it be best to add to oils or after trace? I read that this is probably going to change my soap color, so I am preparing for that as well.

Thanks for any advice you can give me.

Edited--- when I read it again, I realized I use the word also way too much!
I am going to try adding scent to a 1lb batch of the regular recipe that I use. I am planning to add Crafter's Choice Vanilla Cream. But I am a little confused as to how much to add.

For CP soap, between 1/2 oz to 1 oz ppo FO generally does the job. You can start with one of those numbers if that's what you're feeling -- it's really up to you. I would aim between them and adjust future batches depending on how that works out. Have fun.
For CP soap, between 1/2 oz to 1 oz ppo FO generally does the job. You can start with one of those numbers if that's what you're feeling -- it's really up to you. I would aim between them and adjust future batches depending on how that works out. Have fun.

I agree with TOMH. I generally use 1 oz ppo unless it's really strong then I'll go down from there. I do like well scented soap though.

8% (halfway between the 2) is 1.28 oz, but I think I will go with the 1 oz ppo, if that is what is generally used, that would make it much easier to remember.
I usually use about 4% fragrance by oil weight. I have scent allergies for really strong perfumey scents and I've never had a problem at that concentration (but they still smell great in the finished product).

That being said, some vendors you will need more to get the scent and some you can get away with less. Always good to do a smaller test batch or read the reviews to get an idea.
The rate that I seem to end up using most is 5% ppo, which works out to be .75 oz. ppo. Sometimes I go higher or lower depending on the FO, but for the most part, 5% has been my happy place for the majority of my FOs.

For what it's worth, 6% ppo/1 oz ppo is the highest amount I ever like to use. If the FO is so weak that 6%/1 oz ppo isn't enough to come across well in my soap, I no longer will use that particular FO for soaping.

IrishLass :)
What about more than one?

Wow, as a new soaper myself, that's a lot of information being put down.

Looks like the rule of thumb is 1 oz ppo (per pound oil).
I know it's not my thread, but hopefully this question is helpful:

How do you figure FO when you want to use multiple scents? Do you use 1oz of your strongest scent, then use less of other scents? Or should we total out at 1 oz FO all the time? Would you ever use 2 or 3 oz ppo if you wanted multiple strong scents?
Wow, as a new soaper myself, that's a lot of information being put down.

Looks like the rule of thumb is 1 oz ppo (per pound oil).
I know it's not my thread, but hopefully this question is helpful:

How do you figure FO when you want to use multiple scents? Do you use 1oz of your strongest scent, then use less of other scents? Or should we total out at 1 oz FO all the time? Would you ever use 2 or 3 oz ppo if you wanted multiple strong scents?

You would just need to come up with the blend that smells how you want it to smell without exceeding the usage amount. Be sure to check the rates on each FO you decide to use to make your blend.
I guess when your going to use multiples essential oils it still can't exceed 2 teaspoons per Lb of melt & pour.
When doing blends, I adjust things so that the total amount of my combined blend never exceeds 6% FO ppo for my batch.

IrishLass :)

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