Adding Beeswax

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
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Used beeswax for the first time. Added it to my hot (150 degree) oils just before adding lye. I found that my batch thickened rather quickly but was able to hand stir in my EO and SF. I want to be sure I am getting a true "trace" so I would be most appreciative to hear everyone's trick to adding beeswax?
I usually melt it with coconut oil since coconut can take the high temps well, then I add that to all the other melted oils. If it gets cloudy, I'll toss it in the microwave a bit until it clears back up.
Add warm lye, hit with SB enough to thoroughly mix then switch to handmixing.
I pretty much do the same thing as Obsidian, only I use my stovetop because I don't own a microwave:

I melt my beeswax along with the hard fats in my recipe. Once they are completely melted, I add my liquid oils.

If things cool down too much and cloud up when I add my oils, I keep things on the heat until things completely clear. By the way- the temp is still pretty high at this point- over 170F (too high yet for soaping for my likes)- so, I take it off the heat and let things slowly cool down until things start to just cloud up again. When I take the temp at this point of cooled cloudiness, I'll usually find that things have cooled down to 120F. I briefly put it back on the heat just until things clear again (temp only goes up to about 122F before clearing), and then I add my warm (about 110F) lye solution and mix in the same manner as Obsidian^^^. I find this to be a very nice, drama-free way to soap with beeswax.

IrishLass :)