About To Jump Into CP

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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2012
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I am slowly assembling supplies and materials to jump into CP! I got a stick blender and gloves. :) I know I need to follow directions,treat the lye solution with respect and pay attention to temperatures. I was afraid of lye for the longest but I know I need to get over it....

Owing to having to pay other bills I am getting things in bits and pieces. Are there any brands of pots,thermometers,and those heatproof 32 ounce cups anyone recommends? Also any other supplies not listed in most directions I might need?

I can do melt and pour in the meantime to hold me over.
Don't forget eye protection!

I don't use anything metal except my stick blender. I melt my oils in the microwave and you can get any ole cheap plastic container to mix in... I use a tall 1 gallon plastic pitcher. Most people buy stuff at yard sales or goodwill. the only thing that needs to be heat proof is the container you mix your lye solution in.

You need something to use for a mold. I used an old refrigerator bin thing that was the perfect size, a pringles can would work, a show box. get some freezer paper to line your mold with.

I use a silicone spatula dedicated for soap making.

I think that's it. You only need two containers.. one to melt your oils in, and another to mix your lye in.

Get ready to have some fun! This is WAY better that M&P
I love CP soap making.... this would be the only time I would encourage a jumper. So, go for it!..... J U M P!.... J U M P!.... J U M P!

Also, yes the thrift stores are a great idea, when i first started out with lotions, i bought a double boiler at the store, and man, I wish i knew about the thrifty stores then, i got a few stuff from them, also found a few moulds, utensils etc. I purchased an IR thermometer from eBay and i'm lovin' that. I like using stainless steel so I picked up a couple pots for about 5-7 bucks, but these are really big and that made me happy.
I use an infrared thermometer that is basically a point and shoot thing. You can get them on Amazon, at Harbor Freight, etc. Much easier than messing around with a candy thermometer and less likely to break.

I have two large HDPE plastic cups for mixing my soap batter. They are probably about gallon size. Got them at Walmart for $3 each.

For mixing my lye, an HDPE rubbermaid pitcher - $1 at the Dollar store. I got silicone spatulas and a slotted SS spoon at the Dollar store too.

A must is a good digital scale for weighing your ingredients. You already have a stick blender, goggles and gloves.

Molds - Target periodically has multi-cavity silicone molds in their discount section when you walk into the store for a few bucks. An old shoe box or shipping box from Amazon or the post office (lined with freezer paper) works great as does the Pringles can mentioned above.

The main expense will be fragrances and colorants but as you do M&P you probably know all about that!

I already have a stick blender and gloves :) I am combing through Brambleberry's site now since I am due to put in an order for new supplies and I might pick up some small CP supplies there after I blow money on the gas,cable bills and also help out my grandmother.
Goggles coming and will be combing thrift stores this weekend to see if there are any homeless clean stockpots and measuring heatproof cups that need a home before buying new. :)
brambleberry is spendy what is it you need from there? I didnt order any supplies online except my oils(shea, pk, po) and fos.
Brambleberry is rather spendy but I had a teeny bit extra to splurge that day back to being cheap lol!! I couldn't pass up pink goggles. I got a 12 qt stainless steel pot and a thermometer courtesy of the Salvation Army and Amazon! So now I think I just need silicone spatulas and a postal scale.

Is there a reason CP is more weight than volume when soapmaking?
Yes, CP is measured by weight to be more accurate. This is extremely important when making sure the soap is not lye heavy (especially on smaller batches.)

I would recommend you get a decent scale that will measure to at least 1g increments. The My Weigh KD-7000 or KD-8000 seems to be a very popular scale on a lot of soap forums. I actually bought a Cuisinart scale at Bed Bath and Beyond which has worked just fine, but if it dies, I'll get the KD-8000. Good Luck!
You can get an Escali scale on amazon for less than 20 bucks I think. It measures up to 11 pounds if you are starting with small batches. I love both of mine. ;)
It is done!! It is done! I made my first batch of CP while home on vacation. I used safflower oil,then it ran out so I used my sealed bottles of a soybean olive blend I had in the cabinet. I thought I grabbed some castor oil but it was avocado! :shock:
I used a recipe in the Everything Soapmaking book that called for one oil lolI thought I had not added enough water to the lye but I pressed on. I mixed them let them cool then dumped into the stainless steel pot. I microwaved the oils let them cool then dumped them and used the stick blender til they formed a light trace. I think I beat it too long but into the molds it went. It was mushy then I thought they were leaking oil but they seem to be solid now..now to let them sit..there will be pics!!
It may be imperfect but it is done....
I wouldnt use a lot of soy oil, it can spoil. oo, po, co, shea or cocoa and small amt of castor would make an awesome soap.
With all of the last minute substitutions, I'm really, really hoping that you ran things through a lye calculator first to recalculate for the proper lye amount before proceeding, although I don't know how one go about getting a SAP # for a soy/olive blend. I would definitely make sure to check your finished bars for zap to be on the safe side.

IrishLass :)
I weighed everything using the calculations in the book. At first the scale balked but it turned out it didn't like my kitchen outlet so I moved the scale to the livingroom outlet. I intend to let it sit for 3 weeks minimum anyway as recommended to dry out completely.
IrishLass said:
With all of the last minute substitutions, I'm really, really hoping that you ran things through a lye calculator first to recalculate for the proper lye amount before proceeding, although I don't know how one go about getting a SAP # for a soy/olive blend. I would definitely make sure to check your finished bars for zap to be on the safe side.

IrishLass :)

Just to reinforce what Irishlass said - the amount of lye needed to saponify a given amount of oil varies according to the kind of oil it is. So a pound of safflower is not the same as a pound of soy/olive. Nor is castor the same as avocado as far as the lye is concerned. It sounds like the original recipe called for one oil only and you used three?

Any substitutions MUST be run through a lye calculator or you risk lye heavy soap. What is most important is not so much the amount of water in the recipe (although at a minimum the water weight should equal the lye weight or it won't dissolve fully). The ratio of oils to lye is what is most important and substituting different oils at the last minute is potentially dangerous. Not to mention, if you come up with the greatest soap recipe ever at random, how will you ever be able to reproduce it? :D
I usually note it on Facebook what I used so I have a recipe of sorts at will I agree I do that for melt and pour. Thankfully this is a test batch not for sale or giveaway the next will use no substitutions I will have everything on hand and this time have all the oils needed in advance. I will order some of those ph strips while it is sitting to test it for use :oops: before I risk my own hide washing with it. It smells good ironically but I know better than to grab it and run into the shower.

It's like cooking. My first bread didn't rise my first homemade icings were horrors lol and we won't discuss the awful needlework but it got better. At least now I am no longer afraid to do CP. I've considered HP but don't want to purchase another crock pot creating clutter....

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