A Volcano Erupted!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2009
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RIGHT IN MY KITCHEN! :roll: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was getting dressed, and I heard my kids saying "ummm, mom, come check this out"

I say "just a second, let me get dressed"

The Kids "Umm, mom..you dont have seconds, come look now"

I mumble a few things under my breath, and drag my pants on and walk in the livingroom. I say "alright whats the problem"

The kids point towards the kitchen. Including my cat, sat and watched. lol

Never soap, when your in a rush, and or tired. I know better... I havent had one in years lol, I ran and got the camera lol



Danielito said:
What causes this to happen?
Overheating is the main cause. I've only had an actual volcano once. I usually get the alien brains look with cracking when my soap overheats. Not pretty either, but not the big mess of a volcano.
Wow!!! That's darned amazing!! I can honestly say that I've never seen such an impressive display of volcanic activity.

What combination of ingredients were you using?

It obviously wasn't the insulation since it appears you don't require any with that lovely thick mold you have.
wow, and how did you go about saving it? Re-pack it in the mold or will it be a rebatch?
Oh my! I hope you're able to salvage some of that, that looks like a lot of soap! Musta been sort of fun to watch though :D
Well it happened because I didnt let my oils cool enough. I forgot that it took me longer to melt the oils because I used cocoa butter. So with the oils too hot and the lye... well lol BOOM!

that is a mold from FCS, so its a thick mold.

When it finished erupting, all the soap that was left inside the mold, I threw it in the crockpot and Hot Processed it.

I added aloe vera juice to the crockpot to cook it.
It came out spotted, I had to check and make sure they were not lye pockets. Luckily the soap was unscented.

So although not sellable... but its been saved :)

I double bagged the remainder soap on the table. Added vinegar in \the trash bag, and is awaiting the garbage man on monday so i can dispose of it properly.

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