A two pour landscape and what looks like china

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Nov 6, 2010
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I wasn't certain I would get a decent landscape in two pours but it worked out pretty well! Why can I load only one pic at a time from my phone? The other one, the blue and white, was a crazy amount of wire hanger swirling and for some reason it makes me think of a flock of birds and blue and white China.

Landscape - 2nd one. Dumb phones. (I merged them for you - Relle).


Here's the landscape. Dumb phones.

Why does the design look three dimensional to me? I don't know if I can explain what I'm seeing but the sky looks like it's jutting out and if I were to feel it, I could may be feel a ridge along the edge of it. I left the screen as is and looked at it from other side to see if the land would also look like that but it doesn't. Your soap is definitely tricking my eyes newbie.
I was trying to see what you mean, K, but I'm not sure. Do you mean the top edge looks like it's jutting out? If you mean along the mountains, maybe it's because of the pencil line. I scraped the surfaces with a knife to make sure they were even and smooth (in my impatience, I cut a bit soon and there was a little spot of hot soap which always looks bubbly) so I must have Magic Eye soap!

I poured the greens and browns first and was hoping it would be thick enough for me to just pour the mountains, but no such luck. I did get it to mound up but then I had to wait and push them up, like texturing a top. After it set, I poured the sky. I meant to use low and high water to get some of the variations from that, but unfortunately I used plenty of water and more water, which does jack because it all gels. Live and learn.

Yes, Blue Willow and Delft were what I was trying to think of for the china but I thought I might mis-spell Delft so I left it at the time I posted.
Yeah, I knew I was not explaining it right. To me the sky looks like it was sculpted on the face of the soap, like a mural art. I did think of a pencil line after I posted my comment. I guess that line is what's tricking my eyes, it looks like a shadow, of that imagined sky sculpture. Your explanation of your procedure made me actually appreciate all the technicalities. Before it just went over the top of my head. All I could think was, how did she do it in a loaf mold,lol !!
I have never tried landscape. I seriously have no idea how to make one.
Those are both lovely newbie. The China one is my favourite, love those wispy delicate swirls, but the landscape one is great too. The mountain peaks are perfect.
Why does the design look three dimensional to me? I don't know if I can explain what I'm seeing but the sky looks like it's jutting out and if I were to feel it, I could may be feel a ridge along the edge of it. I left the screen as is and looked at it from other side to see if the land would also look like that but it doesn't. Your soap is definitely tricking my eyes newbie.
It looks the same to me too. Both soaps are beautiful. I love the hanger swirl, and the blues.
Thank you! Landscape was two different ITP pours with a pause in between. y white and blue got a bit thick so I thought it could stand a fair amount of swirling but I do think I overdid it a touch. I was thinking of the person IL likes so much, who uses only a wire hanger thickness and gets pretty kind of floral swirls.

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