Yesterday I cut the soap I made in honor of my recently passed brother. It reflects some of his oddities, conflicts, disorganization, non-conformity, sometime cruelty, sometimes violent and antagonistic nature. He had his foibles, was mentally ill, poorly equipped to live 'normally' within this world and often incapable of getting along with others, which lead to severe estrangement and some long lasting animosity towards him and now his memory within the family, which is ongoing and disturbing to me because loosing one brother should not mean all brothers are lost. But to mention him at all within the sibling unit, leads to severely expressed feelings that seem to threaten just that.
So I talk only with my husband and sons about my recently departed brother, and even then not a lot about my feelings except to my husband (not wanting to disturb my sons). I still have 3 brothers left and don't want to lose them prematurely either. I've already lost 2, there just aren't that many of them left. I do wish they would get beyond their ill feelings over him and let it go. I don't claim to be more advanced than they are, or that I know best what's good for the family or each individual within the family, but I am certainly glad that I am not ruled by the negative emotions that our past experiences contain(ed).
So the soap: I made it a few days ago using non-approved colorants for soap (he was definitely non-conforming), a spin swirl using a lazy Susan (start & stop, change directions quickly, sudden jerky movements - all kind of his thing), then after a calm period while the soap started to solidify, a spoon swirl which of course disrupted the look & feel of the spin swirl (so similar to how my recently departed brother lived his life). In any case, event the cut represents my brothers disorganized personality & his disrupted life by cutting the bars in multiple shapes and sizes. My multi-cutter even helped with that! Tightening caused two strings to break, so I just went with it & removed them to repair later and went ahead with the cut regardless. The cut reveals so many variations that to my eye and brain, do a very good job of representing some of his internal conflicts, its uncanny. This can be seen in the 3rd picture below.
I have yet to come up with a name for this soap other than to call it after my brother for now - later I may give it a different name. I also have yet to determine if I will share it with any one of my other brothers. If I do, I would not be able to tell them why I made it or who it represents, so that would be dishonest on my part and I am not into dishonesty within the sibling unit.
The first picture is after the spin swirl.
The second is after the spoon swirl (which followed the spin swirl) just as I was beginning to start the cuts.
The third photo shows most of the bars after the cut, but before beveling:
A sampling of 3 bars that I beveled this morning (many more to do):
So I talk only with my husband and sons about my recently departed brother, and even then not a lot about my feelings except to my husband (not wanting to disturb my sons). I still have 3 brothers left and don't want to lose them prematurely either. I've already lost 2, there just aren't that many of them left. I do wish they would get beyond their ill feelings over him and let it go. I don't claim to be more advanced than they are, or that I know best what's good for the family or each individual within the family, but I am certainly glad that I am not ruled by the negative emotions that our past experiences contain(ed).
So the soap: I made it a few days ago using non-approved colorants for soap (he was definitely non-conforming), a spin swirl using a lazy Susan (start & stop, change directions quickly, sudden jerky movements - all kind of his thing), then after a calm period while the soap started to solidify, a spoon swirl which of course disrupted the look & feel of the spin swirl (so similar to how my recently departed brother lived his life). In any case, event the cut represents my brothers disorganized personality & his disrupted life by cutting the bars in multiple shapes and sizes. My multi-cutter even helped with that! Tightening caused two strings to break, so I just went with it & removed them to repair later and went ahead with the cut regardless. The cut reveals so many variations that to my eye and brain, do a very good job of representing some of his internal conflicts, its uncanny. This can be seen in the 3rd picture below.
I have yet to come up with a name for this soap other than to call it after my brother for now - later I may give it a different name. I also have yet to determine if I will share it with any one of my other brothers. If I do, I would not be able to tell them why I made it or who it represents, so that would be dishonest on my part and I am not into dishonesty within the sibling unit.
The first picture is after the spin swirl.
The second is after the spoon swirl (which followed the spin swirl) just as I was beginning to start the cuts.
The third photo shows most of the bars after the cut, but before beveling:
A sampling of 3 bars that I beveled this morning (many more to do):