A couple from recent

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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
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Just thought I would let you all know what I've been up to...

Hot Cocoa

Ginger Ale 2 - I had to be creative because I doubled the fragrance by accident. I decided to use it with unscented to even it out.

I thought I would test alkanet with a recent purchase of Peak Spiced Cranberry.. Not the color I wanted but a really nice blue for another fragrance. Sorry about the blur, the phone just didn't want to focus.
Oh my goodness,YUM! that 2nd pic looks like choc coated liquorice :shock: I feel a sugar craving coming on :roll:
Thank you. Yup I used a spoon swirl. Well really a scoop spatula. I was really hoping fOr a cream or whipped cream effect. I like it and hope the white stays white.
Cool soaps! The second soap looks like a building to me - you could call it "City Soap!" or "Soap in the City!" :D
Love the cocoa swirl, can't believe the beautiful blue you got from alkanet, I can only get different shades of grey, wonderful work
I love them all Ken with the Hot Cocoa just winning by a nose, it looks so caramelly / chocolatey I just wanna take a bite...well maybe not literally :wink:
Amazing hot cocoa ken. I wouldn't be surprised to see that in a store window! And very nice blue :D
The Hot Cocoa is one gorgeous soap!

The alkanet one remindes my of the alkanet infusion still waiting to be soaped :wink:
Must make soap now... :mrgreen: