8th batch, using almost all new oils, sweating after pour...

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2011
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I've done 7 batches using olive oil and/or lard and crisco with no F/EOs. I got my palm and coconut oils, and my FOs from OT and made up a batch. I poured about an hour ago and it's sweating, something I haven't seen in the previous batches. I also superfatted higher than the others, up from 5 to 8%. Trace took about 8 minutes.

What is the sweating from, is it bad, how can I prevent it?

Here's the recipe:
30% Coconut Oil
40% Palm Oil
30% Olive Oil
8% superfat
.5 oz FO PPO
Also have gel for the first time, haven't seen it before. Not sure if I should be nervous or excited lol
Mine have looked like that going into gel. If it's going to gel, it will be worthwhile to keep it insulated so you don't get a partial gel. As soon as it gels completely, all the way to the corners, you can take the blankets off. Even if I've had some beading, it always is gone by the time I'm ready to cut (12-24 hours later) unless it has separated, of course. This doesn't look like separation. Watch and wait!
I will watch and wait then! Should I keep my stove top warm (have an old gas stove with little insulation, when I turn the oven on the top gets nice and toasty) to keep the gel going?

And thank you!!
It'll end up a bit darker than non-gelled - but not as dark as it is when it's hot, and will not stay translucent.
Yes, it will stay darker for a while while it's still warm but then as it cools down, it will get firmer and lighter, much more like the creamy color than the color while it's in gel. I leave mine in the mold overnight and unmold usually about 24 hours after making it. It should be pretty firm. I unmolded one just a couple days ago too early and it was pretty soft and too pliable. Came out dented and without the nice sharp lines. Yours looks great! It will be interesting to hear what you think about gelled vs ungelled soaps.
Scientifically, the gel process is pretty cool but I'm not too keen on the look so far, I like the creamy look better. I'll reserve final judgment for later. I'm concerned that for my wedding favor soaps that some will gel and some won't and they won't all match. Maybe a silly thing to worry about.
You will get the creamy look you want. It is in the gel phase according to the pictures. How long has the soap been in the mold? I would cover it up and wait for 24 hours from pour. It looks like it will be a pretty pink, creamy soap. What did you scent it with?
I think my phone, or house lighting, is funky, no pink, just light tan =)

I used Oregon Trails Oatmeal, Milk & Honey. It stinks to high heaven right now, plus I got a migraine from it, but all the reviews say it's great so I'm hopeful it'll mellow out and be a pleasant scent.

It is more creamy this morning, but not like my other soaps. I much prefer the no-gel look, but this one isn't bad.

Thanks so much to each of you, I was really worried about my soap. Love this board!
Thanks Amy for posting such great pictures and allowing us to learn from you. Congrats on the wedding and good luck with the soap. Great idea.
AmyW said:
I think my phone, or house lighting, is funky, no pink, just light tan =)

I used Oregon Trails Oatmeal, Milk & Honey. It stinks to high heaven right now, plus I got a migraine from it, but all the reviews say it's great so I'm hopeful it'll mellow out and be a pleasant scent.

It is more creamy this morning, but not like my other soaps. I much prefer the no-gel look, but this one isn't bad.

Thanks so much to each of you, I was really worried about my soap. Love this board!

That is one of my favorite scents- very strong at first- it does mellow out. Next time you may be able to get away with less. It will be very pleasing when it cures. People who have used mine- love it!

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