3 treatments, DOS in one

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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
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I made a quick crisco batch about 2 months ago. I took 1/3rd of the stuff, and rebatched it with scent and beeswax. 1/3 I cut and let dry, the rest I stuck in a bag and have not let it dry.

The rebatched stuff is fine, the wet stuff in the bag is fine, but the dried stuff is ALL Yucky. DOS, smelly and even kinda swirly and smelly.

What is the deal? I had mixed this instead of using the mixer. Did it not mix well enough? Did rebatching mix the stuff up so that it didnt leave too much oil out? And why is the stuff that is still in the bag OK?

Ah, the mystery of soapmaking.
The whys and wherefores of DOS are a bit of a mystery to me. I have had DOS in one bar of one batch; all the soap was stored in the same place. This one particular bar ashed quite a bit on top and did not gel (was in its own little mold as opposed to the slab and larger bit of "extra" soap in another mold). It is DOSing all the way through, while the rest of the 2 lb batch is, thus far, fine at something like 2 mos or more after making it.

DOS = dreaded orange spots. It is a mystery for sure. I keep all my soaps on ventilated shelves and have never had DOS yet .

Kitn said:
DOS = dreaded orange spots. It is a mystery for sure. I keep all my soaps on ventilated shelves and have never had DOS yet .


sounds scary :shock:
Soap_for_breakfast said:
Kitn said:
DOS = dreaded orange spots. It is a mystery for sure. I keep all my soaps on ventilated shelves and have never had DOS yet .


sounds scary :shock:

DOS is caused by oxidation of oils. It is basically oils in the soap going rancid.
Ok, so why would the 3 different treatments of the same recipe come out so different????

Only the un rebatched, dried stuff went DOS. THe wet stuff still in a bag is white white white still. THe rebatched stuff is fine.

??? :?:
cdc said:
Ok, so why would the 3 different treatments of the same recipe come out so different????

Only the un rebatched, dried stuff went DOS. THe wet stuff still in a bag is white white white still. THe rebatched stuff is fine.

??? :?:

I'd imagine this is because less air can get through the soap that is wet and inside a bag. Less air = less chance of oxidation.
Ok, I can buy that.......and maybe did the rebatch mix the oils up better so that they could be eaten up instead of left as oil???

The stuff in the bag....think if I rebatched that (just heated it up and mixed it up) it would not go DOS???
The chances of DOS are highly affected by the types of oils used and your lye discount percentage (higher lye discount can increase the chances of DOS).

I've never used Crisco (I only use plant-derived oils), so I can't say what might have caused DOS in your case.
Danielito said:
The chances of DOS are highly affected by...your lye discount percentage (higher lye discount can increase the chances of DOS).

I've never used Crisco (I only use plant-derived oils), so I can't say what might have caused DOS in your case.

Hey, Danielito, in case you're interested - that second link I posted was a controlled experiment on DOS. One of the things they checked was 0% lye discount vs 10% lye discount, and they found no difference. Not to say that higher superfat wouldn't promote DOS, but within the 0-10% range, DOS was not more or less likely.

In Canada, Crisco is plant derived (soybean and cottonseed). Is it different elsewhere?
Yep, crisco is soybean and cottonseed. :)

And, although it may not matter, I did a 5% discount.
surf girl said:
Not to say that higher superfat wouldn't promote DOS, but within the 0-10% range, DOS was not more or less likely.

This makes sense, I wouldn't worry too much about DOS unless superfatting at over 10%, but I think if the oils are the problem, higher superfatting would definitely increase the chances of DOS.

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