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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
this is the complete opposite of what i expected.....the batch i made w / yellow dock that looked so dark blood red did lighten up....but i realized i must have left something out of the recipe because it diddn't fill up the loaf as high as ususual and acc to the lye calc i was to add significiantly less water...that should have been a tip off....but anyway the point is that this loaf did lighten up to a chalky pink but it is hard and crumbly....no zap just when sliced it crumbled somewhat. i could get slices but they are jagged and didn't slice neatly. is this worth saving or rebatching?

the first soap i did which i'm SURE i did right w/ lye calc (at least i thought i was sure) and amt of ingredients etc.......had a significant layer of oil on top....again, no zap but i had to blot it quite a bit to get most of the oil off.....i was able to slice it but it's well, greasy. is there anything to do w/ this???

i would post pix except i have to charge my battieries first....camera is out of juice....which is kind of how i feel right now.... :cry:
Oh, what a bummer :cry: ...so sorry that you had the double whammy. Sheesh. When it rains it sure pours...

I have a feeling your next one is going to ROCK! 8)
Hey Rubato, don't lose hope on the oily one yet. Usually, if you give it a few days, it will reabsorb into the soap. You get that with honey soaps sometimes. Unless something else went wrong, it should be alright. Hang onto it and see. I'd be more concerned with the crumbly one.

The pix might help when your batteries are recharged (both the camera and yours...) :)
Sorry this happened with your soap, it happens to the best of us. Give the one with oil a little more time to cure and see what it looks like.
