
Soapmaking Forum

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  1. I

    All soap colors turning purple

    Hello, I'm make orange, coffee, and lavender cold processed soap. We are adding mica to the color. In previous batches, I've been able to get the desired color of the coffee soap, but I'm also getting about 50% of the batches coming out purple. The orange soap recipe has been producing a...
  2. Mobjack Bay

    Purple Brazilian Clay

    The purple Brazilian clay I bought makes soap that is much more grey than purple. Here’s a comparison of an alkanet test bar from last year (left), and two bars made a couple of months ago. The center bar is purple clay at 1 tsp clay ppo, and the right bar was made with ultramarine violet...
  3. Artemis Purple Marbled Rim & Inlays

    Artemis Purple Marbled Rim & Inlays

    artemis' entry for June 2019 Challenge - Rimmed Soap. Rim made with soap dough using a marbling effect, Center inlay design and other descriptions at this link: https://www.soapmakingforum.com/threads/june-2019-smf-challenge-rimmed-soap-entry-thread.75490/#post-775684
  4. SoapWelding 2019June16

    SoapWelding 2019June16

    Soap Welding experiment based on Grace's technique as described in her eBook and this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5VwCpAhdWI Cut into 3 pieces & welded back together via water at joins, tightly wrapped in plastic wrap & into 200° oven for 10-20 minutes, then cooled.
  5. DameChatelaine

    I can't seem to make purple work! I need help!!

    I need help. (I am doing CP) I am using Crafters Choice™ Matte Lavender Pigment Powder. At 1st I added 1 tsp (straight powder) to my oils and it turned brown (even before I add fragrance). Then I watched a SoapQueenTV video where she mixed 1tsp to 1/3 cup of glycerin. She said you had...