Coloring with spirulina

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Active Member
Jul 9, 2008
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I would like to make soap today and swirl(try to anyway) with spirulina. How much do I add and how do I mix it? With raw soap or oil?
Thanks so much!!
I never used spirulina but I do use chlorophyll to color soap green. For a light green it takes one capsule for a 5 pound batch. Too much and the soap stains everything it touches green.
sudsnbubbles said:
I would like to make soap today and swirl(try to anyway) with spirulina. How much do I add and how do I mix it? With raw soap or oil?
Thanks so much!!

Spirulina (or fresh water algae) can be used at a ratio of 2 tsp / pound of oils or 20 ml/ kg of oils.... It will turn your soap a blue-ish green.

My advice for use (if your going to be swirling) is mix your master batch of soap, then separate it into two portions... 1/3 of the batch and 2/3 of the batch. mix your spirulina in with the raw 1/3 batch and blend, then pour your 2/3 raw batch portion into your mold and drizzle/swirl your 1/3 colored batch over it... voile!! :)

let me know if you need anyhelp with anything!

If you wanted to color the WHOLE batch then id advise you to mix it in with the oils... however i have also added it at trace with comparable results...