First body scrub

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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2013
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I have been thinking of coupling my soaps with something similar when I gift my soaps. Came out with a recipe of a body scrub and here is my first ever Body Scrub made! Let me know how you like it and/or suggestions and/or comments:)


I like foamy body scrubs, but that is just me. What are you aiming for in a body scrub. If we knew that and knew your ingredients we could better help you.
I am looking for an oily scrub so it would leave the skin moist. The heels of my legs are so dry and I don't like petroleum jelly. So was thinking of using oily scrub.

The ingredients used here are equal parts of granulated sugar and Epsom salt which is 1/2 cup each, 5 drops of lemon extract, one tsp of lemon zest, 1/4 cup of olive oil and 5 drops of rosemary EO.

I wanted to give it a flavor so used lemon extract and added lemon zest for some color pop ( to make it look attractive) and Rosemary is supposed to be good for massage!
That would be too greasy for me. I make an emulsified scrub that I like a lot. I tried just oils and sugars and didn't like them much. If you like it then go with it.
IMHO, when I was filling it in the mason jar I got that feeling that I may have added a lot of oil. Do you think I can add a little more of the Epsom salt and sugar? Will I need to add some rosemary EO?
I have a scrub from Trader Joes that is almost dry when you look at it in the container. If I were making a scrub, that is what I would go for. Im torn between sugar or salt.
My epsom salts are quite large grained - I woudl kind of worry about them being scratchy. Were yours? If I used epsom salts I might whiz them in the coffee grinder first.
Yours looks like tasty applesauce to me so I cant comment on the look of it, but all that matters is 1) you like it and 2) you dont kill yourself slipping in the shower.
Seawolfe, my Epsom salt was like yours too. But I left it the way it was because I used equal parts of salt and sugar because I did not want it too scrubby and nor to soft. I am going to add some more of the salt and sugar mixture to it because I think it is definitely too oily!

Do not get torn apart in between of sugar and salt. According to the little research I have done... If you are using the scrub on face only, I would use sugar (as it is smoother) and salt for the body. If you have sensitive skin go for the sugar for the full body scrub or do half and half like I did. Or may be 2/3 sugar and 1/3 salt.

Let me know what you come up with.

I will post another picture of my scrub once I add more of the salt and sugar :) might add a bit of the lemon zest as well ;)
What do you all think now? I added a little rosemary to it and some lemon FO

I prefer hard oils/butters to liquid oils in a scrub. You might try using half coconut oil or shea butter with the olive oil next time and see how you like it.
Thanks Lin! I do not like coconut oil but I will surely keep Shea butter in mind!

I love this forum! Everybody is so nice here! Thanks guys... :)
I have been doing liquid oils in my scrubs but would like to start incorporating butters. I need to research on how to do that, if it changes the process at all. Lots of experimentation going to be going on round here with that! :)
I have been doing liquid oils in my scrubs but would like to start incorporating butters. I need to research on how to do that, if it changes the process at all. Lots of experimentation going to be going on round here with that! :)

I totally agree! I have started using a little less oil and made 3 others. I have made one with lavender buds, lavender essential oil and a mix of almond oil and extra virgin olive oil. Another with brown sugar and vanilla. I love that on my face! And the third one with mint essential oil, green tea and rosemary. .....

When gifting it to someone, I pair the soap and scrub together. Like for example: citrus herb soap and scrub, lavender soap and scrub and green tea soap and scrub.... see pictures below :) recipients Love them :)


They do hold the oils. I have had a good experience with them.

Actually, today gifting away a lavender soap and scrub for Pamper your teacher day as a part of Teacher's appreciation week!!!!

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