Simon & Garfunkel Soap Challenge Pic Thread

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Jan 31, 2009
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I'm really unhappy with how my finished soap came out. I shouldn't have attempted rebatching in the microwave. But at least I got it done so I will embarrass myself by posting a pic. For everyone's viewing pleasure, here's the video which inspired my sad attempt at paying tribute to Simon and Garfunkel. Just watch the vid, ignore the pic at the bottom, k?



S & G America.jpg
OMG Hazel,

I just looked at the thread you made for your S&G challenge. I tried really hard not to laugh but I burst out laughing several times in spite of myself. That is absolutely hilarious. I don't mean it in a mean way because I laugh at my own soaps too and I've seen other soap you've made, so I know this is rather off for you.

Thank you for sharing your result. It may not be at all what you wanted, but it is the best thing I've seen all day.

Hazel said I should post my message to her so I am. Don't think me too rude, but really, this soap is just too funny and not up to snuff for Hazel. Sometimes you have to call a spade a spade.
Thank you. It's fine. I'm still laughing, too. But you've got to admit it's better looking than the bath bombs with whipped soap I made awhile back that looked like they were formed from the south end of a dog. After typing this, I started to laugh again so hard that I got tears in my eyes.

I just hope CaliChan will forgive me and not kick me out of her S & G fan club. I'm going to make another batch (this time CP!) tomorrow based on another song. Hopefully, I can redeem myself.

Watch the video - wonderful song and gorgeous scenery.
I'm so glad you loved the video. I'm going to chop the soap up and add it to a CP batch. I had another idea so I think it will be a good addition because of the colors.
My contribution

This is my contribution to the S&G Soap Challenge:

Zebras are reactionaries,
Antelopes are missionaries,
Pigeons plot in secrecy,
And hamsters turn on frequently.
What a gas! You gotta come and see
At the zoo.

Gelled and colored with Celestial Colors, charcoal and TD. Scented with 'Storm Watch' from AH/RE.

Storm Watch.jpg
Aunt Polly -

I agree absolutely fabulous! I love the dark blue with white. I think the white section in the one in the front resembles a dove and the one in the back makes me think of a fern.

Now I'll go off and hang my head in shame. :lol:
Awww! I feel bad for you!
Thank you for the compliments! I really loved doing the modified tiger stripe.

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Great job Aunt Polly!! The color combo and stripes came out perfect
Kudos to you both on the great looking soap. I need to get making my soap, I have not had time..
I finally got around to posting pics of the rebatch of the first rebatch. Huh? :wtf:

I crumbled up the bars from "America" and made another batch to pour over the crumbles and chunks. The colors weren't as bright as I hoped for but I'm still pleased with the result. Hopefully, this soap will redeem myself in other people's eyes. However, I'm still lousy at taking pictures so I'm not sure how well these will look online.


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Well, I like them Hazel. I think they have a 'monster mash' appeal to them, which is probably not what you were striving for but I like the contrast and texture, especially with the stars. :thumbup:
Ha! What a great way to use America and turn it into Kodachrome!!! Excellent thinking. What is the mold for the last pictures? Are they like half ovals, with a rounded exterior?
@ CaraCara -

I wasn't striving for anything other than using a lot more colors. I just wanted to make the soap usable. I was concerned the soap would be too crumbly to hold up as a bar since I had rebatched in the microwave. Note to self: give up on rebatching in microwave, stick with double boiler or crockpot. :roll:

Hmm...Monster Mash - can I cheat and use this same pic for a Halloween challenge?

@ newbie -

I used the half egg cake silicone mold. I bought them from but I don't see them anymore on that site. This is what they look like --> Freshware 5 Cavity Half Egg
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So heres my Simon and Garfunkel Challenge. I was pretty disappointed with it, so im going to end up doing it again. This one is inspired by "the sound of silence"
I just hope CaliChan will forgive me and not kick me out of her S & G fan club. I'm going to make another batch (this time CP!) tomorrow based on another song. Hopefully, I can redeem myself.

Watch the video - wonderful song and gorgeous scenery.

I almost did my soap on the same song! But my friend insisted i do the sound of silence.
Dont worry your safe. mine flopped to.
How can you say it flopped? It's looks wonderful with the curve of green and cream. I'm wondering how you got swirl effect in the green section.

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