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Soapmaking Forum

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    Expiry dates

    Hmmm the lye was clumped up but I just banged it into the ground in the container to release it.
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    Crystals / beads forming on the top of my soap

    I hadn't tested it. I wasn't sure how to given it was soon after making it?
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    Expiry dates

    Hi again, I'm coming back to making soap after about a year. I'm still very much a beginner and going through the supplies I already have I am wondering whether lye and oils (I have olive and almond) have expiry dates? Thanks
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    Crystals / beads forming on the top of my soap

    Thank you. I will try that now. I had assumed they were beads of lye.
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    Crystals / beads forming on the top of my soap

    Hello soapers, First time making soap in about a year and I've hit a glitch. I used an olive oil recipe I've successfully used before but this time it's developed crystals / beads on top. The soap did seem to take a while to reach trace and there were lots of little air bubbles while I was...
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    Newbie! How do I make my own recipe?

    I am one of those people that need to know "why" and not just "how" and your replies are so much help - thanks! I shall be stalking judymoody's posts and will report back on how I go in due course. :)
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    Newbie! How do I make my own recipe?

    I have been reading about water/lye ratio and lye concentration and I don't think I appreciated that they weren't the same thing. The oils I have are olive and coconut and my homemade milk carton moulds are 19.5 x 5 x 7 cm. Thanks for helping me on my way. :)
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    Newbie! How do I make my own recipe?

    Hello again, I have looked at all the posted links - thank you - but continue to be bamboozled by a few things. The first is what is the ideal water/lye ratio? I have noticed in some of the calculators that you need to specify this. At this stage I am more about wanting the soap to...
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    Coloured layers

    I have made my 3rd basic soap now and want to try some colour and textured finishes next. I am still a newbie so have been very by the book (or rather the way my soap teacher taught it!) in my ventures so far. This has included wrapping my soaps after pouring them so keep in the heat for...
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    Newbie! How do I make my own recipe?

    Thanks for the replies. The recipe we used was a 100% olive oil one. I remember her mentioning that You can't just double the recipe to make a 2 pound soap.
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    Newbie! How do I make my own recipe?

    I have been to one soap making class and made soap myself today, each time with the same recipe provided by the teacher. What I am wondering is how do I create my own recipe? If for example, I want to make a 1 pound soap what drives how much lye/water/oil needs to go in...? Thank you!