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  1. Meraj Ul Qadar

    Case Study of reasons of Rancidity in Soap noodles 80:20

    a case study to identify the causes of rancidity in 80:20 soap noodles and provide troubleshooting measures to mitigate this issue?
  2. Meraj Ul Qadar

    Case Study: Black and brown particles found in soap noodles

    This type of particles appears on soap noodles and the process is first we make blends of palm oil, palm stearin and palm kernal considering 45 I.V and then split the oil into crude fatty acid and sweet water, then CFA is feed into distillation column and DFA is obtain from top. Then DFA is...
  3. Meraj Ul Qadar

    Case Study: Black and brown particles found in soap noodles

    I have a case study in which black and brown particles is found in soap noodles. So, please tell the reasons of this problem and also the solution.