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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. S

    looking for cherry almond

    Could it be bitter almond? It does smell like cherries. I made a batch a week ago and it has not discolored...also smells heavenly. I bought mine from EOU. They recently imposed some step ordering minimums for new customers.
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    Handy soap label hints-pics added over in the craft tutorial

    I would love to see pictures too :)
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    New recipe advice

    I wrote a post very similar to this one on another forum :lol: I ended up replacing the crisco with Cocoa butter, avocado, and castor. I also uped the OO
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    Stupid mistakes and bone headed thinking.

    I once poured an EO in a plastic cup. The end result was a huge spot on my wood dinning room table.
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    New From Indiana

    Got you. You don't hear it as much anymore, but southern Indiana is still known to be called "the sunny side of Louisville"
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    price increase at WSP

    I am getting nervous reading this thread now. Is it mainly there policy and price changes that everyone is having a problem with? Do they still ship in a timely manor. I ordered from them for the first time on Saturday. I placed a large order (for me at least) with them over BB partly...
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    New From Indiana

    Hey! You're in my neck of the woods :). You probably get my name association. I tried to pick something that meant something to the Southern Indiana area.
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    New From Indiana

    Thanks soapbuddy
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    Baby Soap

    Here is the recipe that I made for my LO: 80% Olive Oil (calendula infused) 20% Avocado Oil
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    New From Indiana

    Oh yes, I have been doing testing. I am also under my aunts guidance who is a long time soaper. I did not have any plans on selling my soap for another 6 months or so. Then a girl I know who sells hats asked me if I would be willing to share a table with her at the craft show at the 4-H fair...
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    price increase at WSP

    I just made my first purchase from this company and I didn't know that they raised the prices recently. I have only ordered from BB before. I did add the same things in my basket from both companies to compare prices. On my $200 order, BB was about $10 more. I was trilled when I realized...
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    New From Indiana

    Hi! I just found this forum. I have been making cp soaps for about 4 months now, so still a newbie. I agreed to do my first craft show in November and I am really nervous about that. Can't wait to jump in the discussions.