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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. Lidiacgarcia

    What to do with shavings?

    Hi @ewhitake 👋 I find it does affect more if the shreds are older or newer versus the type of oils used. IMO experience. The older soaps will be much harder and need more time and ac little more liquid to soften up
  2. Lidiacgarcia

    With the right stamp, you can stamp cured soap

    I know this is an old post! Thank you for this info! It was the only thing I found when I was trying to stamp a super hard 3 week old ZNSC batch that I had. In case someone ends up here with the same problem that I had. I was able to use a blow dryer to warm up the surface to be stamped and...
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    Goat milk and clay
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    Oats, goat milk, honey and clay
  5. Lidiacgarcia

    Can I add salt in my LS lye solution to thicken the soap?

    Hi 👋 Welcome to the forum! I never got around to trying it yet. If you try it, please let me know how it goes 😊
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    ZNSB goat milk
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    Goat milk
  9. Lidiacgarcia

    Why does my hot process soap look slimy and yucky like this?

    Yes. Totally agree with @not_ally. The thing is. You can't make poor choices and then expect a good soap to come out of it. - poor oil choices -overheated -added extra water during cooking Personally, I think it is totally fine to experiment. I make soap with used oils for dishes. But you...
  10. Lidiacgarcia

    Why does my hot process soap look slimy and yucky like this?

    Your picture almost makes it seem like it's a paste make of KoH. Check the lye to see. Does it lather at all? Use gloves please. What other oils do you have on hand? Why don't you try a different batch? Let us know what you have. We can help you formulate a recipe.
  11. Lidiacgarcia

    Why does my hot process soap look slimy and yucky like this?

    Its up to you. The longer you wait and cook. The thicker the consistency it will get. That may be why you needed to add extra water last time. If you want a smoother finish or do layers, you will need to move quickly at the end. Control the water loss and lower the heat or turn off the slow...
  12. Lidiacgarcia

    Why does my hot process soap look slimy and yucky like this?

    I'm glad you were able to figure it out! Good for you! That's how we learn! If you're able to leave the soap undisturbed, you will be able to better see the color change. Usually we're always stirring so much it's hard to tell Check out this video: (I think it's dangerous to use the glass...
  13. Lidiacgarcia

    Why does my hot process soap look slimy and yucky like this?

    If you need to add water during cooking try a water sprayer. The sides can get dry. Specially for small batches
  14. Lidiacgarcia

    Why does my hot process soap look slimy and yucky like this?

    I would try a small batch of a different oil for comparison. Cook it on low heat this time 😉
  15. Lidiacgarcia

    What to do with shavings?

    If they are from a fresh batch I squish them together (use gloves) andmake a soap ball
  16. Lidiacgarcia

    Why does my hot process soap look slimy and yucky like this?

    Hi there. flax seed goes rancid too quickly. I'd think that your oil was too old. I used up 2y old (hate to waste stuff)flax seed oil in a liquid soap, maybe 15-20% and it turned weird. It was not worth it. Definitely lower the heat and be more patient. I agree with @Obsidian don't cook too much...
  17. Lidiacgarcia

    Can I add salt in my LS lye solution to thicken the soap?

    Hi everyone 👋 I'm making LS today, 85% OO, 10%CO, 5% Castor oil. I thicken it with salt(sodium chloride) after it's made. I just find it hard to keep the results consistent. So I was wondering if it would have the same thickening effect if I add the salt to my lye solution. Not sure if the...
  18. Lidiacgarcia

    Is it possible to stamp a soap made on a single cavity mold?

    They were firm enough to unmold already, I cracked 2 of them and made soap balls, they getting too brittle with the salt. Most of them were OK. I used a plastic wrap under the stamp. Thank you 😊 Stamping definitely needs practicing. I guess I just don't make enough soaps to get really good at it.
  19. Lidiacgarcia

    Is it possible to stamp a soap made on a single cavity mold?

    These look so lovely 😍! I'll test one right now and see. Thank you very much!
  20. Lidiacgarcia

    Is it possible to stamp a soap made on a single cavity mold?

    How long do you think I should I wait to unmold and stamp? This soap got hard so fast the last time