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  1. A

    Rancid Soap????

    The oils were brand new. I just opened all of them. I don't think that I am storing them right, I don't think I have enough circulation where I have them. I just didn't know if that was the only problem, or is there more too it. I have been using this recipe for a while, but I have not ever made...
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    Rancid Soap????

    Please if someone has any suggestions on simple recipes that I can kinda play with the FO and color, I would really appreciate you sharing them! And if there is a thing, ones with the least chances of going rancid. And another thing I was wondering is it normal for a soap to smell still a little...
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    Rancid Soap????

    Ok I posted something the other day on here about my soap going rancid. I said that I would post the recipe to see if it is ok, sorry I am just getting around to it. This is the recipe that I used. 750 grams co 700 g oo 900 g shortening 342 lye 650 water Please tell me what ya'll think!!
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    Rancid soap??

    I will try to post my recipe, tomorrow is a busy day, so I am not sure it will be tomorrow. But I would love a good basic recipe that you have. Thanks!!
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    Drying soap??

    I was reading some stuff on the internet and one lady said that she let them dry in those plastic dresser drawers (like you get from Wal-Mart) lined with towels and they got pretty good air, but I am not too sure about that. Do you think that is okay? I am kinda limited on space and I have three...
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    Rancid soap??

    I made them about a month ago and the recipe was from a book, it wasn't made up. I am actually at work right now, so I can't really say exactly what it was.
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    Drying soap??

    I have been making soap for a while in very small batches, but I am trying to make larger quantities now and I don't have very good drying ideas. Please give me suggestions on how to dry soap in big quantities.
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    Rancid soap??

    Ok I looked up the term. Dreaded Orange Spots, and yes they do have a little discoloring, but I have not seem this to compare it to.
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    Rancid soap??

    Well they smell a little funny and turned a funny yellow color and when you actually wash your hands with them they have a real funny smell. What is DOS? Sorry kinda new to all the terms.
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    Rancid soap??

    I have made two batches of soap that have seem to gone rancid (or that is what I think happen). How do you keep this from happening? And what is the main factors that cause it? I know the oils were good, they were all opened brand new. Please help!
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    Rustic or Perfect soap!?!?!

    Opalgirl...............I have burlap sacs, but I have seen the wrapping paper on soaps. But can you use just any wrapping paper (like Xmas) for wrapping the soap or will the soap "bleed" into the paper. I was at a convention a while back and a lady had her soap wrapped in chenelle (not sure if...
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    Rustic or Perfect soap!?!?!

    Thanks for all the help!! And let me clarify on the "just getting into" phrase. I am just getting into the selling portion of the soap. I have been making it for myself for about 2 yrs now, but I would just put it in a loaf pan and cut it into pieces that for me or my friends and family didn't...
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    Rustic or Perfect soap!?!?!

    I was just wondering....I am just getting into soap and trying to sell it. I prefer more of the rough cuts of soap, than trying to make the bars look perfect. I like to call them more "rustic". What sells better perfect or rustic? I just don't have many people to get opinions from. I am not sure...
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    Soap smells bad?!?!

    Thank you!!! I made it this morning and the smell is already starting to get less noticeable. I still hope it goes away completely.
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    Soap smells bad?!?!

    Please help!!! I made soap that is supposed to smell "soapy clean", but it smells like the fragrance oil mixed with playdough!! The "playdough" smell is the same smell that the pigment has in the pouch. Will that smell go away????