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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. S

    Farmers Market advice, please! (Australia)

    Re NICNAS - it seems a rip off, I thought it would be like organic certification, where you had to keep records of all your materials and where they were sourced, recipes, batch numbers etc, but no its just a one page form, you pay just under $400 and that's it. But on the up side, its so...
  2. S

    Australian insurers

    From what I've heard the average seems to be around $700 for soapmakers - I just got a quote from GIO for $1800! That's for public and product liability. I'm chasing it up with them to see why its so expensive - and I have another call in with EBM insurance through SEOC. Another strategy...
  3. S

    Australian insurers

    I've also tried GIO, but they haven't got back to me either... any advice would be most appreciated, Cheers, Sonya
  4. S

    Australian insurers

    Hi, I'm planning to start selling my soaps online and via markets and need to have public and product insurance. The public insurance seems to be relatively easy (AAMI offer market coverage / public liability) but the product insurance is proving much harder. Any ideas? I've tried...
  5. S

    thanks from Australia

    Love your soaps Lyn, very beautiful indeed! Sonya
  6. S

    thanks from Australia

    Hi, Just spent the afternoon going through a lot of old posts and getting a lot of answers to a lot of questions. I'm just starting out with my business and this forum has been a HUGE help - so wanted to say 'thanks' to all the people who post here and the collective knowledge you share...
  7. S

    It's Official

    Good luck from the other Sunshine Coast (in Australia)! Great to see how it all goes! Hope you get run off your feet. Sonya
  8. S

    First Castile soap first soap calc

    try again...
  9. S

    First Castile soap first soap calc

    Ok, the pic didn't attach - any tricks to it?
  10. S

    First Castile soap first soap calc

    Hi, I'm only new to soapmaking and this forum, but I had a go at making a castile soap yesterday using 100% olive oil. I used a lye calc for the first time too to create the recipe. I treated the process just like my usual bases and left it to set for 24 hours in the mould. It seems...
  11. S

    Hi from Queensland

    They all warn about that don't they - how you soon end up with a house full of soap! It's addictive. Sonya
  12. S

    Hi from Queensland

    Hi, I'm Sonya from the Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia. Just joined up and just starting out in soapmaking (but LOVING it). Hope to learn lots here and to be inspired! Cheers, Sonya