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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. L

    promoting your site

    The two best ways to to promote and get listing is to A) visit as many search engines as you can and list in their URL section, giving as many details as you can about your site and B) get linked to by as many other sites as possible. is mine; home of my Ebook...
  2. L

    Palm or Tallow

    When using rendered pig fat I have noticed that there really isn't much in the way of smell, unlike that of beef tallow, but what little there is is easily masked using a good essential oil like cedar or rosewood, ginger or cinnamon. HTH
  3. L

    Palm or Tallow

    I have used rendered pig fat from organically raised pigs which I rendered myself as a binding agent for a canola biodiesel glycerine based soap and the result is very nice; good lather, stiff bar. Essential oils supply the scent.
  4. L

    SAP of used oil?

    G'day Kat; To answer your question; yes the SAP will be different as when using used cooking oils the FFA content increases over oil that has not been used before. A simple titration can tell you the level of FFA's in any given oil; this is something we do in biodiesel production all the...
  5. L

    Wild game tallow??

    I have done the Miss Piggy rendered soap and it turned out as expected, snow white and stiff as nails. The Babylonians used sheep fat in their soap, so can't see why wild game would not be fine, but as stated there might be an odor thing to deal with.