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    I know none of you have ever done this.

    Now that's a catchy topic title!!!
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    Lye pockets how, why?

    Today I followed the instructions I got yesterday and everything seemed to go as planned. I didn't wait till the whole 2.2lb turned into gel, but almost, the milk was caramelizing enough with this heat allready. I squished the stuff into the form a bit higher than usually so I will be able to...
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    Lye pockets how, why?

    Thanks for the precise advice calico21! I will try what you suggested ( probably tomorrow), with one modification, I will put the test portion in the oven, because we don't have a microwave. I will post the results when I'm done. Have a nice day A hopeful soapmaker
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    Lye pockets how, why?

    Thank you for the replies! The measures were precise as far as I remember, I have no reason to think I screwed anything up there. The strange thing is, I always stir the lye and milk until I feel there are no more lye particles in the mixture, and so I did so now also. The temperatures were...
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    Lye pockets how, why?

    Hello, The batch is 100% OO, made with frozen, then broken to a slush goat milk batch, nothing else in it. My wife and I have been making this same kind of soap with this same recipe for 2 years now ( this is the 47-th batch we have made)with no problem at all. Now, for the first time we...
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    Alkanet Root

    OOPS! I meant to write 12000grams, which is 12 kg. Sorry! :oops:
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    Alkanet Root

    Great!, Thanks for your replies! I found some very nice results created with alkanet @: Learn to soap Crafty Dyskolus Emporium naturals...
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    Alkanet Root

    found alkanet thread I've found a recent thread on this subject here: ... bdbdf27b89 Sorry, I didn't search smf specifying only alkanet to search for, so I got tons of results, about all sorts of things. But now I tried only searching alkanet and...
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    Alkanet Root

    Could anyone please write some experiences with Alkanet Root for lavender colored soap. I would like to know what form of it to use, and how to use it, how much to use of it. Also does it fade if exposed to sunlight? Or anything on this topic. Thank you for your answers !!!
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    Lavender food color

    Hi Agriffin! Thanks for your reply. I live in Hungary and I don't know of any good sources of soap colorant here. Does anyone have any experience with food coloring, or maybe alkinin...?
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    Lavender food color

    Hello kind soapmakers! I've been making soap for almost 2 years now, but have never wanted to color my soaps. Now I need to make my lavender soaps purple on request. I have recieved some very dark purple (rather dark blue with a light shade of purple) powder food coloring. I have just made...
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    Instantly curing soap

    The price I get the oil for is 10euros. But since I make pure olive oil soap it is way to expensive. We just started soap making with this oil that we loved to eat, but since the soap turned out so great, we kept on making it, and don't want to stop! That's why I am looking for expired organic...
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    Instantly curing soap

    Manchy! I live in the south western part of Hungary, so we are neighbors : ). Do you happen to know someone who grows olives organically, and has some cheap oil, maybe expired... I'm searching for a better source than the one I have now.
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    Instantly curing soap

    So here goes: "oil": 1000gr (35.27o) lye: 128.7gr (4.53o) water: 380gr (13.37o) They where both at 32 degrees celsius (89.6F). No, I meant to say that I thought the supposed oil was 100% oil, thats what I calculated with, but since this see through fluid (i suppose water) was also in it, it...
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    Instantly curing soap

    Thank all of you for your answers. Sorry for the lingo mix, its trace, and rather thick trace I wanted to say. I agree in not using the stuff anymore. The way the whole thing happened is, that I have been making soap out of xtra virgin OO for about 2 years now, and always from the same...
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    Instantly curing soap

    HI! We got some Olive product, said to be good for soap making, but the moment I poured the lye solution in, it cured into a very thick custard instantly. Then some water started appearing in the pot, and I guessed it must have been something other then pure oil, and since there was less oil...
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    100%sunflower oil

    Well thanks anyway!!! I guess I'll stick with castille and some essential, and fragrance then.
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    frozen goat milk or not frozen goat milk?

    Thanks allot, since I have only made 2 batches, and both where castille with slushy frozen goats milk I was not sure if the cure was right the way it happened. I mixed with a stick blender for about 45 minutes, and then got a slightly puddingy texture. But after 4 weeks we used it fine, it was...
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    100%sunflower oil

    Another aspect is, that the ingredients used should originate near middle europe. So olive is still not to far, but coconut. Do you know of any oil, that has similar properties as coconut but can be grown in a mid mediteranian climate? Good question, right?
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    frozen goat milk or not frozen goat milk?

    If I freeze GM, and pour the lye on the mashed frozen GM does it not lower the temp. of the reaction too much and by this weaken the strength of the lye?