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  1. N

    Kaleidoscope happiness!!

    I love the Wild Plantanica discs/tools as well. Also, the owner, Chass, is exceptionally responsive and good to work with.
  2. N

    Faces in soap

    @Martha, you are the soap face master! As an aside, which I clicked on the link in your first post I was taken to @Catscankim's profile and was impressed by how evocative the photo was of the cat's face. Even its body! And then I realized it was an actual cat.
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    Yes, this is a perfect soap. From the top to the bottom.
  4. N

    Kaleidoscope happiness!!

    Wow, beautiful!
  5. N

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I emptied out two pails of pre-measured/mixed batch oils that had been sitting unused for at six months, since the last time I made soap. Yuck. Definitely the not-fun part of making (or in this case, not making) soap. Now on to planning for this month's "yellow" challenge.
  6. N

    SMF November 2024 Challenge - Hello Yellow!

    Sign-up list: 1. Ford.... 2. Justsomeguy... 3. CLMP - Oh this will be fun!😊 4. Nona's Farm - have just the soap in mind 5.Firefly- ☀️ 6. Tammyfarms - I love yellow in soap. 7. McKherring Farm 8.akseattle - I've been super busy at work and haven't soaped since August 31, but this seems low key...
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    Prayers Needed for Cheryl

    So sorry for this news. Sending prayers and good energy.
  8. N

    WSP 25% off FO

    That is an improvement! Between the "free" shipping and the fast shipping it's practically foolhardy not to order :)
  9. N

    WSP 25% off FO

    Not to enable anyone, but WSP is having a 25% sale on all FOs and flavors. As most know, no postage but a $5.95 "handling fee" on each order. Barely in time for Christmas curing :)
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    Cocoa Butter Sticker Shock!!!

    I don’t remember exactly how long it took, I know it wasn’t fast. But worth it if you don’t have a quick deadline, I think.
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    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Nice sink, great t-shirt!
  12. N

    Cocoa Butter Sticker Shock!!!

    I've been buying from Scented Expressions which was super cheap but has gone up like everyone else. I think it's still the cheapest I'm seeing out there, though, $11.40/lb for refined/deodorized. ETA: also flat $5.95 shipping fee for...
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    AllClad stick blender on sale

    AARGH!!! The last thing I need is a new stick blender, but I have been so jealous of @AliOop's all-clad for so long. @justsomeguy, not sure if you are a white hat or black hat!
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    AllClad stick blender on sale

    Is there a link? I immediately googled "all clad immersion blender sale" and the lowest price is $119, $59.99 is a great deal!
  15. N

    Is it possible to use a Chelating agent in M&P soaps?

    I don't think you need a chelator to prevent oxidation with MP, assuming the base isn't expired. If it's a good brand I would think that they used fresh oils and anti-oxidative processes (ie; no metal equipment) to make the base. I've never experienced DOS or any other symptoms of oxidation...
  16. N

    Fragrance oil recommendations for shampoo and conditioner?

    Daggone it, @A-Polly, it has been a long time since I've made soap and thus a long time since I've had to deal with FO buying withdrawal, now back with a vengeance. That Grapefruit Mint one looks really good. ETA: how well/long does it stick in CP?
  17. N

    Hello Again ¡Hola de Nuevo!

    Ditto, I'm glad you're back too!
  18. N

    Browsing soap pics

    Dibbles, how could you. Now starting over with page one of this thread, this is going to take days. ETA: that soap is truly gorgeous, though. How do you think she got it so translucent?
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    Whodunnit? The RBO or the floral FO?

    I'm sure it helps, my mix is very slow to trace. I like to do designs, so I also do all the other slowing acceleration stuff too (low temp, 33% LC, very little stick blending). But I do find that FO is really good for a floral, before that I used another beautiful rose (Sweet Cakes True Rose)...
  20. N

    Whodunnit? The RBO or the floral FO?

    The Midwest Fragrance Co. has a beautiful rose FO which is easy to handle (I did a three color Taiwan (divided mold) swirl without a problem. One of my favorite FOs. I use an oil mix much like yours, just no RBO (with that % given over to lard.)