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  1. Lindy

    Roses everywhere - cut picture pg 2

    Thank you everyone. I will definitely post pictures of the cut soaps. I plan on making these in yellow, white, red & pink as well.... Give people choices. ETA - Mould is off of EBay. It's not cheap.
  2. Lindy

    Roses everywhere - cut picture pg 2

    Thank you. I am going to cut it after every second rose so there will be roses that are easily discernable in each slice. Not cutting until Tuesday to let it cure out a little bit.
  3. Lindy

    Roses everywhere - cut picture pg 2

    This is a new mould that I finally got around to using. I bought it off EBay.
  4. Lindy

    A Cream Soap Tutorial

    It is. For my large batches I put it into a pail and use a paint stirrer attachment that is just for cream soap and stir it that may. Works a dream....
  5. Lindy

    A Cream Soap Tutorial

    Hi Lee, thank you for putting it into a pdf document, you rock. I do put the entire amount into the bowl It is a fairly large bowel LOL
  6. Lindy

    A Cream Soap Tutorial

    You can lower the SF but don't take it too far down as cream soap is rather drying which is why I never take it to a 0% SF. The super cream is different than SF as it is just stearic (drying) and glycerin. I've not found this one particularly oily but that could be just me. Do play with it...
  7. Lindy

    My first shaving soap is a success!

    That is very impressive!
  8. Lindy

    Drying soap on wire racks taboo?

    I put the wax coated deli sheets under the soap to keep it away from the metal and they cure quite well.
  9. Lindy

    Dandelion petals in CP soap?

    You're welcome....
  10. Lindy

    My first shaving soap is a success!

    Because scent is so important to people I do an unscented soap that can either be sold that way or custom scented to the customer's preference. I am sold out right now except for some Sandalwood that is leftover from a wholesale account that has now gone out of business.
  11. Lindy

    My first shaving soap is a success!

    As much as I love Mama Bear her soaps are MP. But she has done a fantastic job with her marketing and building a loyal customer base.
  12. Lindy

    Dandelion petals in CP soap?

    You're welcome :)
  13. Lindy

    Dandelion petals in CP soap?

    Blue Malva does stay blue on top of the soap.....
  14. Lindy

    Scenting the unscented baby soap

    At 4% SF/Lye Discount you are only going to get a lye heavy soap if you don't measure correctly.4% means that 4% of your oils are free-floating in the soap.
  15. Lindy

    pine tar soap

    When I'm making Pine Tar soap I HP it and use a formula that is gentle. You EO blend is good and in this instance, since it is therapeutic you can go to 5% batch weight.
  16. Lindy

    Heavy cream?

    I've used Heavy Cream and it worked beautifully. I did the frozen method and I loved the soap. Another one I like is Yoghurt
  17. Lindy

    Hand milling soap to avoid mixing lye

    Okay now that pasta machine idea is interesting. If it only rolls out thin slices they could be used as guest soaps or single use leaf soaps. The possibilities with that are endless. Hmmmm
  18. Lindy

    Hand milling soap to avoid mixing lye

    My first soapmaking book calls it hand milling too. In fact the recipes are for large batches that you hand mill (rebatch). Took me the longest time to switch over from calling it hand milling to rebatching.
  19. Lindy

    Canadian Soap Makers Guild

    I just wanted to add to this. We now have insurance that is comprehensive and available in Quebec as well. Costs $750 for $2 million liability, covers candles and all things cosmetic except nail polish.
  20. Lindy

    Hand milling soap to avoid mixing lye

    I masterbatch my lye and love not having to mix it each time I make soap.