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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. S

    Dutch Soap Makers (Facebook) Guild

    Hi Everyone, I'm looking for fellow Dutch Soapers that are interested in sharing their stories, ideas and questions on a Dutch facebook platform I just set up. So far I have only found inactive members in this group, but I know 'they' are out there! :) If you are from/in the Netherlands...
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    Coconut oil Australia

    I, at least decided to try out Escentials of Australia. Indeed a terrible lay-out, and can't find a thing the easy way. But the oils are pretty cheap comparing to others I've tried so far. Hope delivery doesn't take too long.. Too excited.
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    Coconut oil Australia

    There is some Coconut RBD in there. That's the 20l for $69.5. I have some experience with Heirloom since I live in Sydney myself. I sometimes drive to Penrith myself if I 'the need is high'. They don't have a lot of supplies (comparing to AussieSoapSupplies), especially not in bulk items. And...
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    Free E books

    Wow.. I didn't know that you could download some of these for free! Definitely going to try that right now. I was looking for some good books! :thumbup:
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    Starting on CP & LS..?

    Thanks for the responses guys! Still, with the links to the tutorials, including on this forum, it's still not clear for me what to do. I just don't have the knowledge of the ingredients at this time. I've decided I'm indeed going to start with CP first. That way I can slowly learn all...
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    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Julie, can I borrow your hubby pleaaaase? :mrgreen: Yours is so creative, haha! :-P
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    Coconut oil Australia

    Let me know if you find anything. :) I love cheap supplies...!
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    Starting on CP & LS..?

    Hi guys! I've been working on getting all my ingredients for CP, which has not been that simple.. but next to that I would also like to have a go at making some Liquid Soap as well! Cause if not, I'll have to buy some normal, factory made one, haha (my liquid soap bottle is almost empty)...
  9. S

    Botanicals in Bath Salts

    I think lillybella intended to post in that other topic I just bumped, haha. Like I said, try drying it separately first, and then mixing it together. That's how I do it, never had a problems.
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    Suddenly Soggy Foot Soak--A tale of woe

    No help yet? BUMP! Adding the citric acid after your mix got to a wet paste maybe wasn't such a good idea.. :) That makes sense to me. But I don't know about the jojoba oil. I've never tried that before. Maybe that, and not drying the mix, was the problem? Anyone else has any ideas?
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    HELP First Bath Salts

    Haha CanaDawn. :p Anyways, an interesting topic. I never had any trouble with my bath salts, and I didn't dry it at all. I'm trying it out now. Now what I'm worried about; won't the drying lose some of the fragrance as well??
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    Botanicals in Bath Salts

    Did you try drying the bath salts separately first, and then mix in the petals?
  13. S

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    That looks yummy, haha! Today I'm not going to make any soaps, I'm going to give the Croquembouche (profiteroles tower) a try again. :)
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    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Those are absolutely amazing! :)
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    (cheap) Packaging for Bath Salts

    Looks pretty! I'm actually thinking about (larger) tea bags atm, haha. :mrgreen: I have no idea how it will look so we'll see how that goes. I've been thinking about packaging them nicely so now I just have to wait until they arrive in the mail. And since I live in Australia, that's gonna take...
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    swirling in MP soaps

    It's possible, but incredibly hard to swirl in M&P. I've succeeded in it a few times but it was like swirling through cement. :) (If you are interested check my photo's.) This is one of the reasons I am currently finishing my M&P supplies and moving to CP. :D
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    Blackhead/Acne or pimple soap recipe needed

    I would also recommend Tea Tree Essential Oil for this issue!
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    How should I store soap I have made but am not using yet?

    ^ What he said! :mrgreen: Melt & Pour should be wrapped a.s.a.p.
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    (cheap) Packaging for Bath Salts

    I did some research in the packaging. Apparently the essentials oils in the Bath Salts breaks down the plastic, and makes the paper bags all soggy. Anybody had experience with this issue?
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    (cheap) Packaging for Bath Salts

    I would like to be able to see the salts though. But you mean the normal tea bags? I was just going to post that. I forgot. :)