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  1. Zhuliya

    Smooth surface soap

    I've read of people using clinging film or other covers on to of their mould go get a smooth surface also on that side. I actually like the rough side of the soap, it makes it different from commercial soaps and gives it some kind of a special feature, I think.
  2. Zhuliya

    Melt & Pour+deco-molds=the only way?

    Yes, I agree with soapbuddy, you can use the detailed soap mould with CP soap, just use the freezer method to take it of it and be careful to the small details.
  3. Zhuliya

    Which is better?

    I also prefer EO because they are natural, and I'm always worried that FOs could be irritating for the skin (even though EO can be too if you use too much of them). Plus I too love the natural smell...
  4. Zhuliya

    Is it just my imagination

    I also use my handmade soap (lard and olive) for my laundry, and I simply love it! I grate 100 grams of soap and melt it in 1 litre of water, then let it cool down a little, add a few drops of lavender or eucalyptus e.o. and put it into a large detergent bottle. I also put 1/2 cup of vinegar in...
  5. Zhuliya

    I did it, I made a line in my soap... I put a picture

    Really pretty, thanks a lot for sharing the process, I'll try this one soon!
  6. Zhuliya

    just for fun....

    Lol, this is fun! I only have 5 right now, one on the bathroom sink and 4 on the shower (two shampoo bars and two soaps). Even though they've been there for a while now, my boyfriend still asks me EVERY time he takes a shower: what soap should I use? Which one is the shampoo? That's...
  7. Zhuliya

    Kind of a scary question for a CP soap lover

    SudsyKat, how much do you superfat your facial soap? I have made some very good facial soap (7% lye discount) which is mainly olive, with some rice bran and wheat germ oils, and I love it. It took a long time to cure and become hard enough to be used, but now it's one of my favourites. I...
  8. Zhuliya

    Natural colorants

    Yes, it will all fade away, and they will all turn some shade of brown. If you want to try herbal teas, I strongly recommend you try rebatching, I've just done it with a berries infusion and the smell and colour stayed in the soap, which now has a wonderful texture and colour (and smell!).
  9. Zhuliya

    Natural colorants

    I love the orange-pinky colour I get with paprika, and also the brown-beige I generally get with cinnamon. I also generally use coffee when I want to get a dark colour, and lately I used an herbal tea instead of water (generally all herbal teas give a slightly darker soap as they turn brown...
  10. Zhuliya

    Soap Giveaways- Do's and Don'ts??

    Hi, as regards giving away your soaps to friends and family for feedback, I do that a lot. The only thing I'm careful about is to give everyone an ingredients list for each soap, and ask them to use the soap on their hands only for the first 2.3 times, to make sure they don't get any unwanted...
  11. Zhuliya

    Creamed Coconut

    Hi there, I know this is a quite old topic, but I have that book too and wanted to try that shampoo recipe. Have you tried it? How is it? O know egg yolk is very good for the hair, but I am not sure abut this coconut cream thing. I bought it yesterday at an Indian shop, it says on the box...
  12. Zhuliya

    newbie confusion about feasibility of 100% olive oil soap

    Yes, the almond and castor oils are on the skin care section, if you can find a big supermarket in Rome I'm sure they have them both (I live in Bologna and in the small coop nearby I can easily find grapeseed oil!), and if not try any "erboristeria" or pharmacy, sweet almond is very easy to...
  13. Zhuliya

    newbie confusion about feasibility of 100% olive oil soap

    Hi there, I live in Italy too and I mainly make castile soaps for the same reason you expressed. I love them and I think that, even if they take a little longer to reach trace or to cure, they're amazing for the skin. But I have to tell you that you can easily find castor or sweet almond oil...
  14. Zhuliya

    The Chamomile Oil Experiment!

    Just one question, do you also heat up the oil as SummerlandSoaps does?
  15. Zhuliya

    The Chamomile Oil Experiment!

    Yes, that's really exciting.. I love chamomile and since I can't afford chamomile EO I've always wanted to find another way to make my soap smell like chamomile... now you've found one, and I can't wait to read that the smell stayed after the curing time so I can try it myself! Thanks a lot for...
  16. Zhuliya

    Brown Strawberry Cheesecake

    This is really cute!! Congrats!
  17. Zhuliya

    Recipes without coconut or palm oil?

    I am coming back to this topic just to give you some feedback on my experiments: I have tried a recipe that I made up changing another one I read from a book. It has no coconut or palm oil, but the soap is hard and has a wonderful lather. I used: 65% olive 20% grapeseed 10% sweet almond 5%...
  18. Zhuliya

    why does my soap look like this?

    I think you should grease your mould with something before pouring the soap, especially if the mould is not plain but has those decorations like yours. And certainly waiting a little longer could help too. Good luck!
  19. Zhuliya

    The Chamomile Oil Experiment!

    Can't wait to know whether the chamomile smell stayed in the final soap... I've tried to use infused oils on CP soap, but never succeeded in keeping the mess in the final soap, so added them after the HP cooking part and had a little more luck. If your recipe works I will definitely try it...