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  1. M

    Game of thrones! Back at last

    My daughter is finally caught up. It was fun re-watching all the seasons with her, but even better that we are now both new to episodes so I can finally comment as things are occurring. Holding my tongue was not easy! Learning why Hodor says Hodor brought me to tears. The Hound surprised me...
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    Welcome, LisaMaria. Congrats on the farm.
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    No new advice from me, but wanted to say Don't Give Up! Again, try something other than mint for these two. A lot of problems with washing nether regions is the change and ph and lack of proper rinsing. Keep trying and perhaps find a couple more test subjects.
  4. M

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Made a batch of coconut bars to make laundry soap the other day. Oldest daughter coming over to catch up on GoT. We'll spend the evening watching tv and grating.
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    SMF May Challenge- Interpretation, not Imitation

    Beautiful craftsmanship. Such lovely entries on a challenging task. Congratulations!
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    Rant about lying soapers

    Stuff like that frosts my cake. I'm with you - liars and animal abusers are my top two. (Okay, and Ramsay Bolton but he is both) I went to a local farmers' market and there was one soap stall. Looked like all of it was M&P (I use it too for my pies and such-I'm not anti-mp), but certainly...
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    Laundry soap

    Sodium Borate and Sodium tetraborate are commonly called Borax. I believe in this application they are interchangeable. Edit: I should refresh browser before responding :)
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    Lot to lot variation or mess up??

    Bramble Berry's customer service is fantastic. I've been spoiled by Amazon so the shipping wait drives me crazy - I'm on East coast. My favorites not in the kit: Lavender and Cedar Lavender 40/42 10x Orange Champagne (I love smelling bubbles, pairs well with Anjou Pear FO)
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    Gradient salt bars

    Very beautiful. I bet they smell amazing and that blue is fantastic.
  10. M

    BB Wire Soap Slicer feedback please

    I have this BB cutter, but like others have already mentioned I use it for cutting loaves in half especially for Taiwan swirls. I have a single cutter I bought off Esty - WorkshopHeritage. Just looked him up and he still has his molds available, but I don't see the cutter. I'm with you...
  11. M

    Salty Mariner from BB

    I made a batch with this about 6 - 8 weeks ago. Love it! The salty bit was exactly what I was missing in the other cotton clean fragrances. Scent has weakened a bit but still holding though it's early in the game (I sniff it frequently). I did a green and blue drop swirl with melt and pour...
  12. M

    So what are YOUR soapy secrets?

    Haha, I've found my true opposite. Wearing flip flops in my soap kitchen would freak me out and gloves are a must. Fuzzy slippers are perfectly acceptable, though. Making food soaps is one of my favorite things to do. Pie slices, tea cakes, truffles, cupcakes. Love them all. I recently...
  13. M

    Bath Marbles video

    Those look fun. I just finished making the ice cream bath bubble truffles another post on this forum mentioned. I don't have any bubble wash or bubble up for the recipe though. Adding to my list for next order. Let me know if you make them.
  14. M

    BBs Lavender and Cedar

    I used BB Lavender and Cedar last year and it immediately brought back memories of my grandmother's cedar closet stuffed with moth balls. Not terribly unpleasant, but not what I'd want to bathe in. I left the soaps in the basement next to the dehumidifier to cure. Now they have mellowed and...
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    What should I grow in my garden?

    Oil infusion or tea as lye water replacement, though with the tea I doubt I'm bringing along the chamomile benefits - except for in my head. For bath bombs, I put a teaspoon or so of the flowers into the mold then heap the dough / powder mix over the flowers. I like the flowers to peak out the...
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    Fizzies with Candyhearts

    Well done. I never get mine to connect so nicely.
  17. M

    Bubble bar vs. Bath bomb

    Those panada bears are too cute! I'm going to have to play with making those for the grand kids. They love bath bombs, but this will put them over the top. How do you think she did the little mouths? Paint it on?
  18. M

    What should I grow in my garden?

    I grow lavender, roses, and chamomile for my soaps and bath bombs. Thinking of adding calendula. The rest of the herbs and vegetables are for the table or teas.
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    Game of thrones! Back at last

    That's fantastic!
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    Celebrating Shredder's Life

    I'm so sorry for your lose. The right thing is never easy. You did right by your fur baby.