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  1. E

    Swirly batches

    They are beautiful!! And a really nice pattern for an automn soap!!
  2. E

    Extreme Arachnophobia

    I was about to say I almost like spiders! I live near a park so I am used to them and I like they eat everything else, they are a big help in that. But then the link worked and I saw... Wow....
  3. E

    Of gaming and kittens

    So cute!! :smile:
  4. E

    Some soaps!

    They are wonderful! I love the "Dirt Nap"!!! Soap and name!!
  5. E

    Sodium Hydroxide Solution vs Aluminum

    :shock: :shock: :shock:
  6. E

    Post you ugly soap pics here - Troubleshooting thread

    What a pity for the FO and what a pity they won't stay like that, they sure look great now..! Does it smell that bad? If not, maybe you could use it in one part of the batch and the rest could stay pink, it would altogether smell like strawberry (hopefully?) but would be with chocolate! Yaeee!!!!
  7. E

    Tomato soap!

    Yeah, I thought about it too, when my mind returned to its functioning mode, haha!! Thank you for your kind words, I think their shape is awful, but surely they look handmade! :P I am very pleased with the color and the scent though!
  8. E

    Tomato soap!

    Yes, makes sense... I have another equal part of iced tomato, I 'll make another try heating the lye a little before adding it to the oils to see what happens... Thank you all for your help!! :smile:
  9. E

    does castor oil get used in your soaps?

    Does it get used in my soaps? I always use 5-10%! In the beginning I had made some batches without it but ever since I first tried it, I never gave it up! However, I have to admit that looking at those first "recipes", I can see other reasons why I didn't like the outcome that much, the lack of...
  10. E

    Tomato soap!

    Oh it gelled alright!! But the lye solution was indeed cold... And this was my first try with iced "water", so it makes sense that it 's never happened before... In fact, I poured the NaOH in three parts, stirring in between until it was totally mixed and was very proud I managed to keep the...
  11. E

    Tomato soap!

    Yes, the tomato puree ice-cubes. No, no zap at all. As for the shea, yes, could be I suppose although it 's the recipe I (almost) always do and haven't noticed anything like this before. (I did this recipe to be sure of the outcome as far as the oils were concerned... Didn't help much... :P)...
  12. E

    Pomace vs. Grade A vs. Virgin

    I use pomace because it is supposed to be better for soap. I am starting to rethink because of the solvents used for its extraction but haven't decided to change yet...
  13. E

    Tomato soap!

    Isg, Seawolfe, thank you... But no, it can't be neither skin nor seeds, I was extremely careful to take them ALL out (it took me some time...). Nor palm stearic streaks, didn't use any. It only has oo, co, shea and castor, it 's the recipe I usually do. Also, one tsp (the oils were 500g which...
  14. E

    Tomato soap!

    First of all, huge thanks to gaerwen for the great blend she (?) shared!!! I had a hunch I was going to like it but couldn't imagine how much!!! So great and yes, it 's perfect for a men's scent which is always a problem... THANK YOU!!! And now my question. I made this double experiment...
  15. E

    Ghost Swirl

    I love them!! And yeah IrishLass, I can perfectly see the cat, too! :-)
  16. E

    Seizing sopa

    It shouldn't be the EO, in my opinion. Actually, this is the reason I love Palmarosa (apart from its great aroma), it doesn't give me a hard time... But maybe there could be different kinds of EO....?
  17. E

    Oh Honey! Soap

    Wow!! Never before was I tempted to make MP (don't get me wrong, I just started making soap to be able to control more what goes in my soap), but you got me thinking of it now.... Beautiful!!!
  18. E

    Question About Pomace Olive Oil

    I think mine is supposed to be food grade, I find it in the supermarket next to oo, sunflower, corn, sesame oil. But I wouldn't use it in cooking, I don't know anybody personally who does...
  19. E

    Okay, Miss Carabou! Popcorn!

    They are sooooo beautiful!!! Love them!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
  20. E

    Question About Pomace Olive Oil

    I use pomace oil and never had a problem with very quick trace. The final colour is ok too, but that 's because the one I use is not that dark (which makes me wonder how original it is, I think it should be darker...) Actually, when I use EVOO my soap comes out a little green, normal as the EVOO...