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  1. E

    Dedicated to RhondaJ

    Thank you all for your nice words!! :D
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    Dedicated to RhondaJ

    It' s been a long time, and it ceratinly can hardly be compared to yours, but here it is, my sea soap as promised!!! It is a little more greyish than I wanted it, so I guess it is winter sea... :-) (By the way, the scent is a FO I bought in Spain from a soap supplies internet shop, called...
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    Science Question

    Yes, keeping the soap covered for a period of time, depending on the environmental conditions (for me it's 2-3 days in winter), helps a lot. However, about the direction in which the ash is formed, hmlove, I think you have a point... My sides never develop ash, the tops yes. As long as it is in...
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    Hi terr! Good to see your soap is fine! For adding colour, there is a great variety to choose from. Apart from pigments, you can use clays, cocoa powder, paprika, indigo. There are also things like spirulina, alkanet root and lots more that other people can suggest, in which I don't have any...
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    Chocolate soap

    Mmmmm....!!! The bottom in the first picture looks like Toblerone!! I need chocolate... :rolleyes:
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    Review my recipes please :)

    So, if you don't take it out of the mold and stick blend again, does it separate? Maybe you only need to reach a thicker trace before pouring in the mold...? I wonder if it could be the moisture... Where I normally soap (Athens), I never had to take it out again (yet..?), even when I poured...
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    Rose and calamine soap

    It' s beautiful!! The green staff at the bottom part, is it a herb/leaves of some kind?
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    Review my recipes please :)

    I don't use neither palm oil nor lard either. I like butters at a low percentage, 10% at most, and have beautiful lather by 25% CO and 5% castor oil. I do need to cure a loooong time though, I leave them on the shelf for 4 months at least, I guess it 's the price for not using enough hard oils...
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    The Little Efficacious Gentleman

    Congratulations!!!!! Great news!!!!! :D:D (It's really been a log time I am absent...!!!)
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    Soapy dreams for 2015???

    Plans... 1) Find a place where I can work peacefully... 2) Perfect my recipies 3) Practise HP 4) Make a "lava" soap 5) Make my first salt bars 6) Find a recipe for Shampoo Bars that works on my hair 7) Experiment on making liquid soap I like to set realisic goals... Haha :razz::razz...
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    Merry Christmas

    CaraBou, great minds think alike, just saw your post!! ;)
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    Merry Christmas

    Happy winter solstice to everyone!!! I am usually shy/serious/antisocial and don't like saying nice things unless I truly mean them, but I really feel overwhelmed by gratitude. Grumpy_Owl, I am totally with you, soap has been an invaluable help for me apart from a pleasant useful hobby. So I...
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    Soap in microwaves

    :shock: Nice foam!!!
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    Soap in microwaves

    Thanks, nframe and DeeAnna! I 'll give it a try this weekend, I 've been gathering scraps and the timing is perfect! But from what I see, I don't think I 'll do further experiments with the microwaves... They are dangerous chemistry!!
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    Soap in microwaves

    Wow!! This one I won't try..! :lolno:
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    Soap in microwaves

    So do you think it would be a good idea to use microwaves to rebatch? Has anyone tried it?
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    Soap in microwaves

    Yeah, I wanted to see if it would get any hot. I knew it was close to be totally dry but still wouldn't think it would stay cold. But if it did stay cold, it would be a reassurance it had totally dried out. I definitely didn't expect it to do what it did! Haha...
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    Soap in microwaves

    Thought that was interesting to share... I recently heard that microwaves practically heat up the water molecules and that explains why we don't get burnt touching the recipients to get the food out. Also, that if a ceramic does get hot, that means it 's not well made, it still has some...
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    Allergies and why soap should be labeled

    :-o Thanks for sharing! It' s good to be reminded now and then, we tend to forget... Glad you are ok!!
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    Making a Clean Start!

    Welcome! Love your tiger!!! And totally agree with your sleep/cafeine philosophy! :)