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  1. M

    Christmas Soaps

    I see it!
  2. M

    WSP mis-labelled FO?

    Oh, heck. now I'm mad.
  3. M


    How often do you soap? 1 or 2 batches a week. I've only been soaping about 2 months. Waiting for the pile of dirty soapmaking equipment to wash itself really slows things down. How often do you purchase supplies? Basic oils about 1x per week. Fun stuff, every 2-3 weeks. Selling? Full time or...
  4. M

    Batch #4

    I like the combo of blue&green, very pretty.
  5. M

    What Scale Do You Use?

    :-x:!: Auto Shut-Off :!::-( I never anticipated such a thing. The joke is on me!
  6. M

    Dyslexic Soaper Needs Lye Calculator

    I love that it is so visual! It really helps me see how different oils affect the soap characteristic.
  7. M

    Free Book!

    Thanks! It looks like a good one. Lots of big words, respect the chemistry. hahaha you said ****.
  8. M

    WSP mis-labelled FO?

    WSP mis-labelled FO? Has anyone had problems with WSP orders? I got my box of goodies from WSP today. I opened the bergamot-mandarin FO, and got a strong spot-on scent of Bazooka Bubblegum. Not citrusy at all. Not gentle. I know it's oob, but I don't think it's gonna morph...
  9. M

    Well that's not blue and green

    That is lavender and yellow, and just as beautiful. Funny how the light can make all that difference.
  10. M

    Well that's not blue and green

    How did you know I am ALWAYS thinking about beautiful soap?
  11. M

    Well that's not blue and green

    My n00b question: Those 2 soaps look different besides color. The matte blue is more opaque. Is that because the of the coloring ( "matte" sounds very opaque, "stained glass" sounds translucent) or because of the soap recipe?
  12. M

    Thoughts on adding Oatmeal

    I just made some batches with oatmeal. It wasn't ground fine enough and it is very scratchy. I have mosquito bites and dry itchy skin so the scratchin' feels good. But it's not what I was going for.
  13. M

    Well that's not blue and green

    It looks blue and green to me. I agree with DeeAnna. I don't think I would like a scent that smells like "walking down the beach" because walking on the beach smells like sorta like dead fish.
  14. M

    I got a stick blender!

    It's the best thing ever! Anyone else know the slapstick routine where you leave the blender standing up in the pot to go get something and when you come back you trip and and hit the blender and it cartwheels across the kitchen spewing hot oil and lye? It's hilarious, believe me.
  15. M

    Fragrance/Scent is stuck to my kitchen

    Great, now I have many new ways to clean! The smell is gone now, and I bought a few silicone mats to put everywhere. Onward...
  16. M

    What do I do with all this soap?

    LOL, Susie! That's great advice!
  17. M

    What do I do with all this soap?

    "Gifts" was my original intention, but then I started learning. I was worried about "what if they are not right"? I guess as long as i use one and find it fine, then it's OK to give them to someone? I'm always dancing with my perfectionist brain. rrrh! It all started when I gave a...
  18. M

    What do I do with all this soap?

    I made my first batch of soap a little more than a month ago. I just finished batch 5. So what do I do with all these cured bars of soap I'm accumulating? I imagine some will end up in the trash like batch #2 did; but other will be perfectly good. I can already see that what I've made is...
  19. M

    Fight Club, Finally!

    ok, we were doing the dangerous chemistry dressed for soapmaking, outside the RV, parked in the trailer park. It felt the part. The Crystal Ship.