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    just curious...has anyone used saffron to dye their soaps? thanks
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    Buttermilk Castille

    good idea saltydog!! that's just what I'll do! gonna make a buttermilk soap this week!!
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    Buttermilk Castille

    just bought some today!!! yeah!
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    Buttermilk Castille

    inspired yet again!!!
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    Adding small amount of liquid, wine, to traced soap

    It's really nice!!! Well done! Makes me want to give it another try!! Thanks!!
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    wine in soap

    thanks seventeen! guess after I've got a few more batches under my belt I'll TRY again!!
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    wine in soap

    Thanks Hazel...I don't think I simmered the wine enough at all after reading one soaper got her bottle down to a cup or so!!! Will try again...can you suggest an EO that goes well with the wine? Please let me know hw your soap turns out! I think the base was too light and the wine layer too...
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    Adding small amount of liquid, wine, to traced soap

    adding wine liquid to soap serfmunke, did your wine smell funny or had you added a scent? If so which one goes well? I made one unsuccessful swirl but am happy with the lather and soap in general...but as my daughter says the wine part still smells like liver!! Mine is a reddish doo doo brown...
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    how to make soap balls

    I'"ve read some soapers use scraps to make balls for future you melt it down to form balls or what? Stupid question? :roll:
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    What's the Deal with Salt Soap?

    salt soap THANK YOU Irish Lass!!! All the info gives me something to relect upon....I think I'll pass til I'm ready to do a PROPER recipe, more than likely yours!! I wasn't going to add it to a high in CO recipe...I really appreciate the help you experienced soapers give us newbies!!!
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    What's the Deal with Salt Soap?

    salt soap could one just add a geneorous amount of salt to a recipe? Or do I need to follow a genuine salt soap recipe? By generous I mean if the oils were 600g just add 200g ? Just to benefit from the 'extra' lather? Thanks
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    i love my new blue oxide!!!

    i love my blue oxide the bottom one looks like lovely waves but the next one up looks like petals!!
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    Most epic CP soap fail ( not for the queesy )

    most epic cp failure COULD you really re-batch that? :shock: just it possible to re-batch ALL mistakes?!? you know you're amongst friends when you feel safe enough to reveal your failures! :wink:
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    i love my new blue oxide!!!

    i love my blue oxide looks lovely jax!
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    deodorant soap?

    deodorant soap what if she used the liquid in two batches and after dissolving the lye then added the remaining liquid (witch hazel) at trace ? just an idea.... will try the lavender mint sounds refreshing!
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    wine in soap

    the honey stayed a LOVELY butterscotch-y colour. The hoped for wine'swirl' was the wine incorporated into part of the batch then added to the honey soap and I think the wine plus the honey made the trace too heavy (and I think I poured too much in, to swirl) it's more of a let's call...
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    Soap colorants -oil soluable powders

    colorants how long is the shelf life for most colorants. If it's just for private use is it better to use powders or go ahead and use the liquid that needs diluting?
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    Idea for new batch

    this may seem like a really stupid question but could one use the ash from a fire for a grey? I s'pose it'd be more of a dirty colour than a lovely grey...just curious
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    Soap colorants -oil soluable powders

    colorants I was just advised that 1 lb batches are the safest and smallest. I want to do small batches but for different reasons. Good luck!! As the French say 'courage' the colour is wrong but the soap could be great! :!: