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  1. M

    Caramel Soap

    I'm with everyone else... that looks yummy just as is!
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    big soap day

    Padamae, I'm taking it from your post about disappointing lather that you did not allow your cream soap to rot? I'm not sure if your idea of cream soap is the same as mine, but the kind I'm thinking of has to rot (mine 'rots' or cures in a closed container) for several weeks and be diluted and...
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    Embeds and whipped soap, plus bombs, butter & lotion

    I love those days when I can do nothing but what I want to do... which is soap lol. I recently took 3 days of my vacation from work and did just that... 15 soap batches later, and I couldn't be more satisfied with how I chose to spend my time :D Have been wanting to try lotions forever...
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    Soap sticking to liner

    So far, am leaning in this direction, dragonkaz... just can't think of what else might have done it. The chopping mat peeled right off the pumpkin part with no effort at all, after 12 hours. And you're right, everything else was the same, except for TD and no fragrance in the white portion...
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    Carrots & Cream Facial Bar (PIC HEAVY)

    Thank you everyone :D @Hazel I think it's more my lack of picture-taking skills than your monitor lol I've done my lightbox, but I think I probably made it too small and don't have the backdrop in yet >.< I also really need to get the right type of lighting for it... have been using a...
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    Soap sticking to liner

    @jcandleattic I didn't use any mineral oil, but will try it for next batch. Thanks for the tip! @PrairieCraft Those close ups of the divots were actually taken after I'd already done what you suggested... scraped the little bits off the liner with a sharp paring knife and used that to try...
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    Carrots & Cream Facial Bar (PIC HEAVY)

    Overall, I was fairly happy with this first attempt at a nourishing facial wash, at least aesthetics-wise. Next time will wait until it's firmer before attempting to cut (notice the drag lines). I was really pleased with the swirl (though I intended something different altogether)... I think...
  8. M

    Soap sticking to liner

    This is a Pumpkin Buttermilk loaf. Was hoping I could get some input on why only one section of it stuck to liner. I used Amanda's tutorial for a liner made out of chopping mats from the dollar store, slick side in, and have loved it so far (used it on a carrots & cream facial loaf and it...
  9. M

    My recent soaps!

    Those are just lovely... I love the natural look in soaps (though I haven't achieved that look yet myself >.<) and you've done it beautifully. I also had to look close to see that the soaps were lying on paper towels... really good job photographing them!
  10. M

    Salt increase volume of final soap?

    I do my salt bars in the BB square silicone multicavity mold, and use Irish Lass' formula (100% CO, Coconut milk for liquid, 25% salt, 13% SF), 16 oz. of oils. It always fills up 5-4 oz. cavities exactly (flush with top of cavities). So, 16 oz. of oils + 4 oz. of salt = 20 oz. total (or 5-4 oz...
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    Coloured layers

    I just tried this for the first time this week, and it actually turned out well by completely separating the batch: divided lye solution in half, then divided oils in half; SB'd first layer to a nice, thick trace before pouring (was still pourable consistency, but had begun to set up by the time...
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    sweet bubble soap cafe

    I want to be like these women when I grow up lol What a wonderful vision brought to fruition!
  13. M

    100% Milk Soap using 50/50 method..

    Yes, this is exactly the way I do it. Good Luck!
  14. M

    mms twilight-inspired series -- anyone tried it?

    I've been wanting to give these a go for months... they're just a tad on the spendy side for samples though, so haven't gotten a chance yet. Please do keep us updated on your experiments!
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    Bath salts recipe

    I add my fragrance by mixing it with Dendritic Salt first, Traceyann. The above recipe is pretty much my proportions as well, but I'll add like 1/4 part dentritic to it after I've mixed my fragrance with the dentritic salt. This seems to keep the fragrance lasting longer (especially when people...
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    I pulled it off - Soap display

    Really very nice Ken!
  17. M

    Christmas Soap ( Cut Pics added)

    That looks incredibly creamy and luxurious, Relle. Good Job!
  18. M

    Thoughts and feelings on RTCP soapmaking?

    In summertime I can soap with nothing above 85 (lye and oils), but in the winter, I've still had success with keeping everything just under 100 degrees. No false trace yet *knock on wood*.
  19. M

    My first soaps :)

    If a supplier said the FO will discolor, it's probably going to be worse than what they warned lol. Discoloration doesn't always happen immediately, some are very gradual, so with this one you may see it happen over the next 6-12 weeks. What do you mean by "so many lines"?
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    Super cute!