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    Wild Mountain Honey

    mmmmmmmmmmmmm honey!!! :D
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    Honey, Oat and Cinnamom soap my way

    I really like the natural look, too. Beautiful!!
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    Aussie hair products dupe?

    I love the smell of the Aussie product line. It has the elusive (in CP anyway) coconut smell but something else, too... Does anyone know who makes a good dupe of this?
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    I liked Meatloaf too "back in the day" but did you see him on Celebrity Apprentice? He's a bit of a nut....with some anger management issues. Or maybe he has some substance abuse issues. :(
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    My job makes life difficult...

    Wow that sounds like such an interesting job! I can see where it might make life difficult at home however, or when eating out. You are just too talented!! :D
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    Coconut FO

    I just bought MMS Toasted Coconut. Haven't soaped it yet but will keep you posted!
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    1st attempt at a Column Swirl - End product pic :)

    Wow! I think they turned out great!! Awesome job!
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    My first milk soap...with a cocoa line!

    Very creamy and beautiful! Great job!
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    So cool!

    I can't believe how perfectly round they turned out! Lovely!
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    Monkey Love

    Those colours are so bright! Love them!
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    Apple Jack Peel

    I think it looks great! I had a problem with a soap I made with cocoa in it one time (the colour transferred to everything!!) and am reluctant to use it. But in a thin line I think it would be okay.
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    making soap with water from the gulf

    I was wondering this, too.
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    Storage Wars

    Exactly!! Very hard to convey sarcasm as well!! :lol:
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    Storage Wars

    Sorry everyone if you felt I was being offended! I should have put a laughing emoticon at the end! :lol: I just wanted to know that the show wasn't "fixed"!!
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    Storage Wars

    Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :shock:
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    Storage Wars

    :D HAHA! I can totally hear him saying that!! So annoying! I was watching it the other day, and my husband walks in and says "Do you think they plant those really unique finds in the lockers?". And now he's ruined it for me!!! Someone tell me it's not fixed!!!
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    Need advice re: selling in a shop!

    Thank you for all the replies! As I said in my post, I'm happy enough to just cover my costs so I can feed this addiction ( :roll: ), so as long as I can do that, the rest is gravy.
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    Need advice re: selling in a shop!

    I have been making soap now for a year and a half and am just hopelessly addicted to it. I was thinking about doing some craft shows in the spring and my main goal would be to cover my costs so I could continue to make soap. After much experimenting (and some failures) I finally have a recipe...
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    CP batch 4. Watermelon.

    Beautiful!! Really inspiring!