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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. F

    Freezer Paper vs Wax Paper

    I usually use parchment paper, but I have also used plastic wrap. They actually worked about the same and the plastic wrap came off of the soap easier. I have 3 HDEP soap molds that come apart. If I do regular CP soap I usually refridgerate it to prevent gel, I prefer the creamier look, and...
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    Soaping Room

    natty, I just moved all my soaping stuff out of my sewing room and into the basement store room. I was really worried about oil getting on my fabric and figured I better seperate the two hobbies. The nice thing is the basement is cool and dark for my oils, and I have a lot of room to take over...
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    growing your own botanicals for soaps

    I work 3/12 hour shifts so I have 4 days a week off. My DH helps with the garden, and we have a high school junior who we are keeping as a slave for a couple more years. The yard work is going to get a little harder to manage around here, when my son goes to college. Last summer I actually found...
  4. F

    How often do you soap?

    I work 3 / 12 hour shifts, so I have 4 days a week off. One weekday I usually am home alone and soap, so no one can say it stinks. I currently have 230 bars of soap in the house, so I told myself not to make anymore until I give some away. So all my sisters, sisters in law, some friends, and...
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    Soaping Room

    soap room You better believe that I am going to show my DH the pic of Deda's soap room. I was looking at an insulated heated office in our shop that has windows but no water. There is also an extra bedroom in the basement, with huge windows, close to a bathroom sink, basement fridge, and...
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    Soaping Room

    How many of you have a separate soaping room? I would be interested in what that space is like and what you consider a "have to have" item in it. My husband is talking about converting one of our extra rooms into a soaping room for me in the future and I am curious as to what people have.
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    raw soap splash in eye

    Lesson learned Close call. Good lesson for all of us. I always wear my goggles, but I have a disposable respirator mask, so I think why not use it when I make soap. Well it didn't work well with my goggles. My goggles got so fogged up that I couldn't see. So I decided that I had to get the mask...
  8. F

    Egg yolk soap

    My ugly green batch has turned totally yellow and the bad scent is gone. I had added only a little lemon EO, but should have added more. It doesn't smell bad just no smell. It is still a little tacky to the touch, but has only cured for 2 weeks. I think it is going to be fine. I hope it is...
  9. F

    Signs that maybe you are making too much soap

    a sickness I think the only reason anyone starts selling their soap, is to pay for stuff to make more soap. Here in Montana, I could be a soap squirrel, or a soap chipmunk, but I think I am more likely a soap packrat. I am not going to replace my rubber gloves for awhile, so that I can't make...
  10. F

    No liner soap molds,.. have I wasted my money?

    I have them also I have these molds also. The sides usually just come off for me, occasionally I have to use my cutter down the sides. I have only had trouble with the bottom sticking, and I now line the bottom with parchment paper.
  11. F

    Signs that maybe you are making too much soap

    200 bars of soap I have a gigantic storeroom in our basement that has a lot of shelves that I cure my soap on. I am trying to ship it out to my relatives as gifts and for input. So besides my soap making costs, I have shipping costs of sending boxes of soap off to be tried by family and friends...
  12. F

    Signs that maybe you are making too much soap

    Ok I have about 200 bars of soap curing in the house as it is, but I am home alone today and want to try out a recipe. So I make a batch this morning with no scent or color, and it was so easy and looks so nice I started a second batch this afternoon with color and scent. So I am stirring the...
  13. F

    Shelving for drying soap

    my husband got me shelves My husband showed up with a gigantic thick plastic shelving unit. It is very large and strudy. It has 5 - 2 ft x 3 ft slotted shelves, and stands 6 feet high. I will need a step to get up and put things on the top shelf. He said that he found it at Home Depot for...
  14. F

    Putting a disclaimer about rashes on your labels

    I saw in one of the threads on insurance for soapers, that they recommend that you have a disclaimer about causing rashes on your label? Is anyone doing this? Is it really necessary? How would you word it? I am making my first labels for my soaps. I am giving my soaps out for free as gifts and...
  15. F

    Has anyone made soap with fresh bananas before?

    fruit and veggies in soap I have been very curious about putting banana, carrots, and cucumber in soap. I was hoping to see the results, but oh well. If anyone has results from using these I would love to hear about them.
  16. F

    Shelving for drying soap

    I am looking at a wire rack usually used in kitchens, for a soap drying rack, it is chrome plated. Can you put your soap on chrome?
  17. F

    growing your own botanicals for soaps

    Great idea. I am anxious to get started in the garden. I am in Montana, it is snowing really hard right now and we are under a winter storm advisory. Isn't this Sunday the first day of spring? Oh life in the Rockies.
  18. F

    Walnut oil

    I have a bottle of walnut oil that I have not opened and need to use in something. I have read that it is very moisturizing, and good to fight excema and skin fungus. Any recommendations? Should I use it in my lotions rather than my soaps? Would it be good in a dog shampoo bar?
  19. F

    Need a very moisturizing soap recipe

    egg soap You are right. I unmolded it on Wednesday and when I checked it this morning, it is already turning a pale yellow and the smell is disappearing, still can't smell the lemon I put in it, but it doesn't smell bad.
  20. F

    How do you make a nice white soap

    CO My favorite soap so far was when I was trying for an all organic soap. I used organic OO 80%, CO 10%, and PO 10%, no color, chamomile EO, organic chamomile tea, and ground cardamom. It is a pale yellow green, smells wonderful. I did a CPOP on it and it is very hard after only 3 weeks. I...