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  1. tryanything

    superfat at trace or is it in the recipe??

    If a recipe says its supperfated, it usually means there is a lye discount already calculated (less lye needed to saponify all the oils used, a superfat essentially). However, you should always run your recipes through a lye calculator. You don't need to leave anything out, though some recipes...
  2. tryanything

    Buttermilk Castille

    zeoplum - I used liquid buttermilk and the slushy method. It worked great with no scorching of the milk.
  3. tryanything

    Buttermilk Castille

    I'm getting back into soaping after a six month break. This is a 100% olive oil, 100% buttermilk soap. It looks so good! I used my new brambleberry 12 bar silicone mold. That is awesome. I'm not sure if the soap gelled or not. I never saw any change in the color as I checked on it. I...
  4. tryanything

    Shower seems cleaner

    I have, but I attribute it to the fact that I use CP shampoo and follow it up with an ACV rinse. I think it's the vinegar.
  5. tryanything

    "Most Crookedly Cut Soap"

    Dirrdee, your soaps look like mine! I have a loaf that looks exactly like that, only add in a giant air bubble going throgh the upper corner.
  6. tryanything

    peak sample pack sale 40% off

    I've made one other vanilla soap. The brown doesn't bother me. I thought it was kind of cool actually: it looked like chocolate and smelled devine. Unfortunatley my 2 year old though the same thing! I caught her trying to get a hold of a bar. :shock: Now I know not to leave nice smelling...
  7. tryanything

    Infused Oil

    It'll be interesting to see how this holds up once it goes through the soap process. Be sure to post pics!
  8. tryanything

    peak sample pack sale 40% off

    Just make sure to check the fragrance description. Some were for candles only.
  9. tryanything

    Infused Oil

    Well after almost 24 hours, the coconut oil is finally firming up. Not sure why it took so long. I got my mold from BB today. Going to do a salt soap with a green swirl this weekend. Crossing my fingers it comes out well!
  10. tryanything

    peak sample pack sale 40% off

    I got an e-mail from them with a check out code. I think you have to sign up with them to recieve e-mails or have ordered from them at some point. I placed an order. I went with French Vanilla & Amber. Had some good reviews on the scent review board. I can't wait to get my fragrences and...
  11. tryanything

    peak sample pack sale 40% off

    Have you tried their vanillas? Which one do you think is best?
  12. tryanything

    Infused Oil

    Did you try this yet? I hot infused coconut oil last night with parsley. Now it's a beautiful green color. My only concern is the oil is still liquid, even after cooling off all night. I thought it might be how warm the house was at 3 this morning, but now at 7, the house is cooler and it's...
  13. tryanything

    best online site to buy your soap making supplies

    Aren't they located in Washington? I'm going to visit my mom in Seattle next month. I may have to schedule a day to go to the shop. I didn't know they had an actual store! I'm getting back into soaping after about a six month break. I had a baby the day after christmas and I'm just now...
  14. tryanything

    Where in UK can I buy a medium sized soap curing rack?

    I'm not in the UK but could you try a baking or cooking rack? I saw some stackable cooling racks for backing I was going to consider trying. Do they have anything like that there? Just an idea.
  15. tryanything

    How much did you make the first time?

    My first batch was about 3 lbs but I didn't know about sizing down and was just following a recipe online. It also had a lot of Canola oil in it. Surprisingly it came out quite well and a year later the soap is really good and has no DOS.
  16. tryanything

    My new soap curing cabinet!

    My hubby is not handy like that. I am though. I just don't have the time now. Maybe next summer I'll make a small version. Those are so nice though!
  17. tryanything

    First try at liquid soap

    I wonder if the cloudiness could be "discoloration" from the FO. I used a vanilla FO when I made liquid soap and over about a week it got cloudy. Not terrible, but not as clear as it was when I first made it. There is also a really nice dark brown near the top where the soap is exposed to the...
  18. tryanything

    First go at liquid soap

    Congrats! looks good. yeah It's time consuming. When I did mine I had my laptop next to me and got caught up on some TV shows. :D
  19. tryanything

    EO or Fragrance

    On Brambleberry's website there is a fragramce calculator. You enter what you're making, how much you are making, what fragrance (FO or EO) you are using and it gives a recommended range.
  20. tryanything

    Liquid soap,

    I would also recommend David Fisher's website. It has pics and was really good for me. Like other's have said, the harder oils/butters may make it cloudy in large percentages but if you don't care about that i'm sure it will be a nice soap. Good luck!