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  1. tryanything

    Salt Soap Help

    Sudbubbles, yes it's the outsides and those white areas on the tops of the soap that are zapppy. Jezzy, I made two batches because the colored batch was colored naturally with parsley. Not sure how to incorporate that into a split batch. Of course, with the failed swirl anyway I guess I...
  2. tryanything

    Salt Soap Help

    Forgot to add: The coconut milk and milk powder were mixed in with the CO. Added lye to water. Got to about 100 deg all containerse (2 lye and 2 oil/milk mix) then added lye to pots. stick blended both pots till trace, added salt to both pots. mixed well with a few bursts of stick blender, the...
  3. tryanything

    Salt Soap Help

    Sorry this is a bit long. So last night I made a salt soap. I tried to do a swirl so I essentially made two full batches, then swirled them. Didn't seem to hold due to the milk. Oh well. My question is that there are parts that are different colored then the rest of the soap that are zappy...
  4. tryanything

    Salt soap....again

    Okay, so baby was down by 9:30 so decided to go ahead and make salt soap. 100% coconut oil, 100% milk using split method: 50% coconut milk in with oils, 50% water with lye & same amount of powedered coconut cream into the oils. 80% salt (I like it salty!!!). I thought coconut soap was...
  5. tryanything

    Making soy candles

    What does frosted top mean? I just realized one of the scents I ordered from Peak is not a skin friendly scent so I figured i might see what candle making was like, just to use the scent. I think for my first time I'd try a soy wax (seems pretty easy to use). Not doing this anytime soon (too...
  6. tryanything

    Kokum butter / comodegenic

    On swift craft monkey's blog there is a comparison of carrior and exotic oils. You have to scroll down on the right to "free download" and you'll find the files. Lots of good info, including which oils are comodegenic. I never knew about that until I was using the comparison chart looking for...
  7. tryanything

    Salt soap....again

    Well soaping tonight is a bust. I had a cloth diaper emergency. My hands are raw. I'm going to bed. Maybe tomorrow...
  8. tryanything

    Tangerine colored mica

    Yes, Brambleberry. It isn't under the micas. It's under the non-bleeding colorants. Not sure what the difference is. It's still a powder instead of a liquid. Doesn't have shinies in it though. Good luck!
  9. tryanything

    Tangerine colored mica

    I just ordered Tangerine Wow! from BB. I haven't soaped it before so I can't tell how it compares but I'm hoping it's bright. I'm trying to make the Coast Guard racing stripe :shock:! This ought to be good.
  10. tryanything

    Salt soap....again

    If I can get my 4 month old to bed at a decent time tonight (not 11 pm like last night) then I'm going to try to make a salt soap tonight. I'm going to make Irishlass's recipie 100% CO & 100% milk using the split method. The only powdered coconut substance I could find though was coconut...
  11. tryanything

    Shaving Soap

    Well that sucks. I guess I'll turn to google. I just trust the folks on here a bit more than random websites. Guess I'll figure something out and post back so any experienced shaving soapers can give me a critique.
  12. tryanything

    Shaving Soap

    Is there something wrong with the search function? I know there are tons of topics on shaving soap and it keeps saying "no results". A friend of mine has started doing the old fashioned shaving with a brush and straight razor. I want to make a shaving soap for him. Can someone point me in...
  13. tryanything

    Am I bassackwards.....

    I haven't acctually built the molds yet but I've drafted plans for a small loaf mold that will make 6 bars that are 3.5 X 2.5 X 1" and a small slab mold that would make the same dimension bars. I pretty much used the same method you did. I have the wood and tools ready to go, just need to do it.
  14. tryanything

    Troubleshooting: cutting soap with herbs in it

    I made a log with ground lavendar buds and tea leaves in it. I used a large putty knife to cut it and I didn't have any drag marks. I think I let it cure about 2 days in the mold before I cut it. I don't know why I don't have the grooves, whether it's the knife or sitting a few days before I...
  15. tryanything

    Citric Acid and Cloudy Liquid Soap

    I'd love to help but the one batch of liquid soap I've made I used vanilla FO and that turns liquid soap dark brown as well as CP soap. So my soap is not clear because it's so dark! I did use citric acid to neutralize. I want to make another batch at some point with a different FO so I guess...
  16. tryanything

    Canola Oil

    The very first soap I made was with 33% canola oil. This was before I learned that it is prone to DOS. However, I have not experienced DOS with this recipie. It's over a year later and no DOS and the soap is wonderful. I attribut this to another thing I didn't know: letting the soap air. I...
  17. tryanything

    Castille Soap and lather

    I'm with Clemmey. I made a 93% olive oil soap last summer for my daughters and let it have a good long cure (6 months). As I am making my way through the bars, they are better and better, each having a longer cure time.
  18. tryanything

    Do you soap in the rain?

    All of my soaping has been done on the Oregon Coast. We get a lot of rain here. I haven't noticed anything particularly negative about my soap.
  19. tryanything

    successful CP soap! (with pics of process)

    Yeah, I fall into the $5 category. $15 seems way excessive. Since I'm just a hobbiest, one pound usually lasts me 4-5 batches.
  20. tryanything

    Soaping season!

    I just placed a peak order also and realized most of the scents I chose could be considered fall/winter scents (pines, honey, and various other outdoorsy scents). I think i just love those scents. I am originally from Seattle, but have traveled all over the country. I am currently stationed in...