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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. craftgirl08


    Moved ad to ebay. You can peek under user id: bwob66
  2. craftgirl08

    Some of my recent soaps

    Re: Soaps WOW, those are lovely soaps! You will probably sell out and then some!
  3. craftgirl08


    Thanks for the pic of the kumquats. :-) Now I know what they look like. I swirled with tangerine pop mica. Will take out of mold this evening. It sure does smell good. :-) Will do pics tomorrow. :-) Thanks and I hope everyone has a safe and happy July4th!!
  4. craftgirl08

    Soap drunk **updated pics**

    Yes, that is amazing! The oatmeal bars look good enough to eat. :-)
  5. craftgirl08

    April, you mention about the eclipse, then look at this

    WOW, your soap looks so pretty. Have you been soaping awhile?
  6. craftgirl08

    my soap, all been sold out recently

    Sauron, your soap is BEAUTIFUL!! Your swirl is so pretty. I make 2 pound batches at a time and I am happy doing that. I feel more in control of my soap this way. :-) I can see why they sold out. What scent are they?
  7. craftgirl08

    Black Raspberry Vanilla MP Soap Bar

    A pic of my black raspberry vanilla mp silk & shea bar: ... ympbar.jpg
  8. craftgirl08

    Lemongrass EO Soap Bars

    I made a batch of soap with Lemongrass EO and it smells soo good. A very nice lemon scent. ... ngrass.jpg
  9. craftgirl08

    Black Raspberry Vanilla MP Soap Bar

    Here is a pic of one of my MP soap bars in Black Raspberry Vanilla. ... ympbar.jpg
  10. craftgirl08


    Nancy, I bought it a year or so ago from Bramble Berry. I soaped it before and put orange swirls in it. It turned out great. It reminds me of the old chewable childrens baby aspirins that were an orange taste. I read it was from the pomegranate family so I wasn't sure what to color it. :-)
  11. craftgirl08


    What color does everyone make Kumquat scent?
  12. craftgirl08

    Handmade Ceramic Burner

    Hi Mariflo. :-) I use a Kiln to heat the ceramic (greenware). It takes a few "firings" to get the greenware, paint, decals, etc. done. :-) I do these in the winter. The kiln heats up and is very hot. I truly love to do these. :-)
  13. craftgirl08

    first coming into this forum, set a picture

    WELCOME!! Your soap looks so pretty! There are oodles of great things on this board. It's my daily favorite place to go. :-)
  14. craftgirl08

    Pink Sugar & Juniper Aloe Soap

    Re: Pink Sugar O.k. here are the Pink Sugar soap bars 2 weeks into cure. Soaped them on June 7th. The beige part is getting a little more beige but the pink is staying true so far. :-) Will post more pics in a couple of weeks so we can see what the color is like. :-)...
  15. craftgirl08

    Banana Soap

    Looks great! Love the sparkly stuff on top. :-)
  16. craftgirl08

    Cut Pics of Soap...Juniper Aloe, Pink Sugar

    I have them on an open shelf in my dining room. :-) Here is an updated pic of them curing. The blue on the left is cool water. I made the pink sugar on June 7th and cut them on June 9th. ... arbars.jpg
  17. craftgirl08

    Handmade Ceramic Burner

    Here is a picture of one of my ceramic tart burners. They warm with a tealight. I make them from start to finish. ... burner.jpg
  18. craftgirl08

    Scented Wax Dipped Bear

    Here is a pic of one of my bears. This one was scented with Pink Sugar w/Teal Bow & barn star. ... eartwo.jpg
  19. craftgirl08

    Cut Pics of Soap...Juniper Aloe, Pink Sugar

    P.S. Didn't use any titanium dioxide.
  20. craftgirl08

    Cut Pics of Soap...Juniper Aloe, Pink Sugar

    It has stayed pink and the area's that were white are now a light beige. I will post some pics tomorrow. I'm happy with them so far. :-) They still smell nice and strong so far. :-)